Drunk Zane

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Week 2

Travis POV

Today was the day we were leaving Love~Love~Paradise. I was finishing packing up for us as Zane slept on the bed. He had a rough night but it was interesting to watch. And Zane said I shouldn't be around alcohol. He shouldn't either.


Zane and I decided to go say our goodbyes to Justin. He had told us he worked at the bar at night so we went to go see him. He was very friendly and helpful while we were here. We soon arrived at the open bar and found us a table.

Once we sat down Justin came to our table. "I see you finally took me up on coming to get a drink here. I'm glad." Said Justin smiling. "Zane and I aren't much drinkers. So can we have something that's not very strong." I said laughing scratching the back of my head.

He nods his head. "I completely understand. I'll go fix you both something you might like. And I'll make sure that it's not strong." With that he left to make us drinks.

"And how would you know I can't handy drinking?" Zane said once Justin left. "You've told me before you've never really drank before. So the first few times people drink it need to start off small if not it turns bad. Also do you really want me to get drunk?" I said chuckling.

Zane sighed as he looked at me. "Nope above anything else you are not getting drunk again. I do not want a super clingy boyfriend on me. I like the normal clingy better." Zane smiled softly under his mask. We both laughed a bit as Justin brought us back our drinks.

Zane's drink looked like a light gray margarita while mine was I guess a lime one. We thanked him as he left our table. We picked up our glasses. "Here's to a great end of a vacation and to our soon to be child." I said with a smile. Zane nodded as we taped our glasses against each other.

~A few drinks later~

I was still on my third drink were as Zane was on number six. He isn't wearing his mask anymore and he is smiling a lot. "Babe I've think you've had enough to drink tonight." I said as I looked at him. He looks at me setting his drink down then jumps onto my lap. I let out a small squeak as I make sure we don't fall over.

I sigh as we are balanced now as Zane is purring and nuzzling against my neck like a cat. "Zane are you ok??" I asked him. "But your sooo comfy Master Travis.~ Don't you like cuddling with your Cupcake?" He looks up at me with his cute blue eyes pleading. I was blushing red stammering as o tried to think of something.

"Yes my sweet Cupcake I do. But people are looking at us. You normally don't want that." I said hoping he might snap out of his drunk in state. He looks at everyone and hisses. "Whatcha starin at! He's mine and only mine. I will claw your faces off if you even come near him!" Zane yelled as I held him close to me as he tried lunging for a guy looking at us.

I kissed Zane's neck and that instantly calmed him down giggling. Soon some lady came over to our table. She had brigh neon blue with bright pink streaks in it. She also had a lot of makeup on her face. Was she a part time clown as well as a waitress. She was wearing way to much revealing clothes as well.

"Is everything ok over here?" She then looked over at me. "Oh hey there hot stuff. Why not ditch this drunk and come with me. I can show you why this place is called paradise.~" she said in a seductive tone.

At that I let Zane go and he slapped her hard on the face. He slapped her so hard she fell over and he climbed on top of her. He even drew out a pair of black scissors from no where. "If you value your life I highly recommend you not hit on my future husband. I will use my scissors right here and cut off this ugly hair of yours. Then I'll use your hair and force it down your throat till you chock and die on it. Got it!" He glared at her hissing the last part.

She quickly nodded and got up and ran away once Zane was in my lap again. He purred once I started petting his head softly. "That was very mean, but effective Zane." I said. "I don't want to share my loving Master Travis. He belongs to only me his Cupcake?" He declared in a slurry voice.

He soon passed out in my arms. I paid for our drinks and walked home and tucked him into bed.

~End of Flashback~

Yeah Zane and I are never to get drunk. Though oddly enough of drunk selves would get along good. Me being clingy and loving and Zane being possessive of me and threatening as a kitty. Though I am a bit curious why he kept calling me his 'Master'. I never once made him call me that. Maybe Zane had a small kink about calling me that. I'll be investing that little secret of his later.

I smiled as I looked over at Zane who was still asleep. I smiled and kissed his head softly. He let out a small purr nuzzling against my pillow more.

I did like the nickname he gave himself last night. It suits him very well in my opinion. Zane Ro'Meave is my adorable yet feisty Cupcake.

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