Chapter 1: Crash and Burn

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I walked out of the movie theater, saying bye to my friends, and pulled my phone out. It was only nine and the moon shined bright in the sky, adding extra light to the busy place around me and slightly lighting up the few bunches of trees that stood next to me. I walked for a few seconds before getting to a bench, sitting down and crossing my legs, waiting for my parents.

My fingers tapped the screen of my phone as I looked around, seeing a group of boys skateboarding across the street and then seeing an older couple crossing the street. As I watched them, I saw my parents, and my mom waved to me from the passenger seat.

I eased myself off the bench and walked to the end as a massive produce truck ran the red light, causing me to let out a blood curdling scream and drop my phone, shattering it. My parent's car went flying, causing cars to screech to a halt. Glass shattered and flew everywhere as I picked up my phone and tried to get to my parents. "Somebody call nine-one-one!! My parents are hurt!" I yelled, looking around and watching a variety of people pull their phones out.

The car was flipped upside down and I couldn't get very close to it with all of the other cars in the way. I fell to my knees and bawled my eyes out, not knowing what else to do. Minutes later, someone tapped on my shoulder. I quickly stood up, looked at Dave, my best friend's dad, and hugged him, letting my tears fall onto his police uniform. "Bailey, it's okay. Everything is going to be alright."

"You don't know that! I just want to know if they're alright or not!" I yelled, pulling away and being led to the back of an ambulance. Wind started to pick up and my cardigan didn't shield me from the October weather. A paramedic wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and handed me a bottle of water as more tears started to fall down my already tear stained cheeks.

Paramedics checked my temperature and Dave came back over to ask me a few needed questions. As we finished up, somebody came up behind him and whispered something in his ear. He nodded his head and then looked up at me, with sorrow and sadness filling his eyes. "Bailey..."

"What is it? What did he say to you?" I asked, throwing my blanket off and standing directly in-front of him.

"I'm so sorry."

"What?! NO! Please tell me this isn't true!"

"I wish I could."

Tears poured out of my eyes again as I looked around, my eyes landing on the truck driver. I marched over to him and tapped his shoulder. "Bailey!" Dave yelled from the ambulance.

"You! You did this! You killed my parents because you were being thoughtless and ran that red light, you bastard! I watched you run right into them. You took away my happiness and you deserve to burn in hell, you bastard!"

"Bailey, that's enough!" Dave said, pulling me away. I looked down, more tears rolling off my face and landing on the ground.

"I'm sorry," I quietly said. "I'm so sorry."

"No, you're right. I was being thoughtless and stupid. I shouldn't have looked away from the road and I'm really sorry," the driver said, as another police officer grabbed his arms and handcuffed him. They took him away and I turned to Dave, giving him a hug and saying sorry, once again. He rubbed my hair down and took me over to the bench that I had been sitting in before this happened.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, tears starting to fall down my face again. Dave pulled me into his arms and we sat like that for a moment until another officer came to get Dave. He left me and I looked up to see paramedics pulling my parents bodies on stretchers. I stood up and looked at Dave, who was staring at me with a sympathetic look. I looked at the bunch of trees to my right and took off running.

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