Sometimes Life is Unfair

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    Danny was flying over Amity Park, his ghost sense went off and now he was looking for whoever was dumb enough to wake Danny up on a Sunday morning. Flying over the park, Danny gets hit in the back with three missiles. Stumbling a bit Danny turned around to see Skulker floating there with a grin on his metal face.

-Today your pelt is mine, whelp.- Skulker shouted. Danny sighed, it was too early in the morning to deal with this

- Can't you come back later, I'm too tired to deal with you now.- Danny asked a little annoyed and the ghost hunter.

- I decided when I want to skin you whelp.- Skulker yelled charging at Danny. Danny dodges Skulker's tackle and kicked him in the back, sending skulker flying into the ground. Danny started to float down when two ectoblasts hit him in the face.

-That was uncalled for- Danny said not even fazed by the blast. Skulker looked at Danny in shocked, he should have at least felt that. Danny reaches the ground and picks Skulker up.

- You really need a new hobby, other than trying to hunt me.- Danny said before sucking him into the Fenton thermos. Danny was about to fly away when an another missile hit him in the back. This time Danny didn't stumble, he simply looked back and face-palmed. It was the Guys In White or GIW for short, and the Fenton. Danny groaned, they always pick the worst time to try and kill him

- Can you please leave me alone, I want to go back home and sleep?- Danny asked. Their response was and an ectoblast to the chest. Danny sighed, when were they gonna learn they, they can't hurt him anymore. Danny lifted off the floor before flying off, the GIW and Fenton chasing behind him. Groaning, Danny Speed up effectively losing them.

Getting ready to go back to sleep, Danny starts to fly home when his ghost sense goes off again. This was starting to get annoying for the young Phantom. Turning around Danny was face to face with Plasmius, another halfa that thought he was the strongest and destined to rule the world. How wrong he was.

- What do you want Vlad?- Danny asked with a frown. Vlad chuckled before saying

- I came to give you another chance to join me, little badger.- Danny flipped him off before starting to fly off. Vlad expecting this then said,

-Also, that little mistake has come by to visit- Danny stop and glared at Vlad

-I swear Vlad if you harm one hair on her head it will be the last thing you do.- Danny threatened. Vlad laugh

-You should come visit, I'm sure she is dying to see you.- Vlad laughed again before disappearing. Danny let out a primal roar before flying faster than he ever did before, to the city hall. Danny ran through the door into the long hall of city hall. Danny was floating down the hall. Getting to the other end of the hall, was a large open space. In the middle of the room in a chair was Dani. She was tied up, and gagged, tears were coming down his face. Danny was instantly by her sided. When she was finally untied she immediately went to huge Danny.

- Thank you, daddy, I was so scared, he came out of nowhere and knocked me out. I thought that I was a gonner.- Dani had tears pouring down her face at this point. Before Danny could respond Vlad showed up chuckling.

-Isn't that just sweet, too bad your gonna die today, Bye bye little badger, you will be missed.- Vlad said before disappearing. The walls started to glow green and a ton of GIW agents came pouring in through the doors, surrounding Danny and Dani. Dani tried to hide behind her father, not wanting to be away for him. Danny growled at them as they all pointed their weapons at them.

-Give up Phantom, you are surrounded. Make this easy for everyone and come along for your experiment and ultimately end.- Agent O said.

- Never- Danny yelled

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