Chapter 1- Raphael

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*.~.* Chapter 1. *.~.*

 Men came running out of the shadows towards us, shouting and and carrying various weapons. I screamed in suprise and was prepared to run. But before I could get to the cover of the trees, the man from before grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him.

"Where are you going, Short-stack?!" He halfed yelled as he dragged my body behind him. He quickly bent down and picked up the sword again and held my arm in one hand, and the sword in the other.

"What are you doing?! We need to get away from here!" I shouted of his shoulder, "And...and my name isnt Shortstack! It's-"

"Yeah, not the time for introductions!" He replied, cutting me off.

One of the men ran towards him, sword over his head. He was waering what looked like, armour and a seal. Was this man a knight? The knight proceeded to bring his sword down on the man holding my arm. But the man holding me retaliated with one swift slice of the sword. The knight fell to his knees, dead. I covered my mouth with my hand. This man...had just killed another man...did he kill these other bodies here too...

Another knight came towards us and held an axe ready to swing. The man let go of me and rushed towards the knight. The knight swung the axe at his head but the man ducked and blocked with the sword. The knight brought the axe down and knocked the sword out of the man's hand. I watched in terror, unable to look away until I realised something. The man wasnt holding my arm. I was free. I turned and bolted a few steps before my feet planted themselves in the ground.

You idiot! Go! Run! But...I can't leave him now! He could die. Because of me. Well too darn bad, send him a letter in Heaven, Now lets go! No....I can't go.

It was like two sides of my brain were fighting, and I had to make the final decision. I turned around and watched the fight. I couldn't just leave this man! He could die! The knight had him on the ground, axe ready to slice him apart. I gathered up all my strength. I grabbed the sword from a dead knight and ran to the man's aid. I shouted and swung the sword up and sliced the knight's leg. He yelled in pain and backed away, making even more blood trickle down his leg.

Wow...I....I just used a sword! I didn't think I could use one but it felt so I had done this a thousand times before.

The knight stumbled back and dropped the axe, collapsing to his knees. The stranger looked at me with a completely baffled look, but only for a moment. His face returned to the calm, cold look from before. There were no more knights coming after us. Did they retreat? I was sure there was more...

"You foolish gir!" The stranger shouted and flicked me on the nose, "you could have been killed!"

"So? You could have easily of been killed as well!" I shouted back, rbbing my nose slightly.                   

"I had that under control woman." He replied cooly, rolling his eyes.

"You had that under control? You call that under control!?" I retorted, clearly angry.

"Yes, I just did." He said, crossing his arms and giving me that cold green stare.

"Ahh!" I shouted. "We are done talking about this!" I proceeded to stomp away in the other direction.

"And you!" I spun round and pointed at him. "My name isnt 'Girl' or 'Woman' AND DEFINATELY NOT 'Short-stack'! My name is Naomi!" I shouted in his face.

My mind cleared up, like it was clearing fog away from a mountain. Naomi? ...Naomi. Naomi! That's right! My Naomi. Feeling a little happier that I remembered something helpful

The man eased his intense gaze and gave me a light smile. Huh...I didn't think he could smile...

"Raphael. The pleasure is all mine." he said. He uncrossed his arms and strolled away in the other direction.

"Wa..wait! What about my other question! You said you would answer them." I replied, my voice stuttering.

"And I will, all in good time." Raphael replied, still with his back to me. He picked up a sword from the ground and spun it in his hand. "But for now, we have to go."

He cam back over and suddenly lifted me up into is arms.

"Woah! What are you doing?!" I said, startled when he picked me up.

"Well, would you rather stand there and die?" Raphael replied sternly.

"I can walk by my self." I replied in a huff.

"I know, and  would be making you but doing this is quicker."

I sighed as he carried me into the woods. Suddenly, I could hear shouting from far behind us. The knights.

"Um...Raphael...I don't think we are going to make it with you carrying this much weight....maybe we should drop something." I stated nervously.

I took the sword from his grasp and prepared to drop it.

"Your right. We can't while I'm carrying all this weight." He sounded amused.

"Ok then well lets- wait whoa!"

Raphael dropped me on the ground. That jerk. He took the sword from my hands.

"What are you doing?!" I asked.

"Dropping something, like you said." he said cooly. "Don't worry, I'll come back for you." He said convincingly and ran back in the direction of the knights.

Sighing, I sat myself at the base of a hollow tree and started muttering unpleasant things about Rapael and listen to the sound of clashing swords.


*.~.* Cheetah45 *.~.*

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