People of different religions fight each other saying our god is great than yours. But I believe firmly in my heart that no god is great. Actually there is no existence of anything like god, it's just a belief.
If someone asks you the founder of your home you definitely say it's my father who made this home. If someone asks you the creator of yours you definitely take your parents' name . In olden times, some one might have asked someone the creator of the universe. The person, who have been asked the question ,couldn't give answer. Later they might have created the god themselves.
If god is everything then, to me, the beauty is god because I think beauty as everything of any things .
People worship the sun as a god. People worship the seas, oceans etc as a god. The people that worship them really believe that they really are god. But I don't think so. I think energy as god. I believe energy and god are synonyms. The Sun is the main source of energy to every thing in the world. Sun gives us energy so we think it as a god and people worship the Sun. The same law holds in the case of water.
The beauty
SpiritualIn this story the beauty of different worldly and non-worldly things has been described