Chapter Five

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"Shadepaw! It's time to get up!" Oakpaw meowed loudly. Shadepaw got up and yawned. Stormpaw and Adderpaw rolled their eyes.

    "You don't have to be so loud, Oakpaw. " Adderpaw meowed.

    "Well we aren't the ones who wait until the sunhigh patrol" Oakpaw hissed. Shadepaw sighed and Adderpaw just frowned. Shadepaw stretched out and stood up. This was no time for an arguement.

    "Cmon Oakpaw, lets go" Shadepaw touched her sisters flank with her tail. Oakpaw shot one last glare at Adderpaw and followed her sister out of the apprentices den. Stormfall and Graywhisker were patiently waiting. Shadepaw, was excited for another opportunity to hunt.

    "Are we hunting today??" Shadepaw asked as she speed walked over to her mentor. Oakpaw was right behind her.

    "Are we?" Oakpaw asked, seemingly forgetting what had just happened with the other apprentices who were relaxing until the sunhigh patrol.

    "Not today. " Stormfall responded. "It's time for you to help the elders." Shadepaw's tail drooped a little. She was aching to train with her sister. She looked over at Oakpaw who was excited about learning how to hunt.

    "Okay." Shadepaw nodded, accepting her responsibility. Her duty was to help her Clan. That was what was most important. Stormfall nodded.

    "Follow me and I'll show you the best place to get moss" He meowed and Shadepaw followed him. They went to one of the tallest pine trees. The roots were giant and covered in thick moss. Shadepaw stretched her claws and sliced off some moss. She knew exactly how to angle her claws. She and Stormfall gathered moss in silence. They returned to camp with the soft moss. The elders would be so glad to have new bedding. She walked into camp proudly.

    "Finally! Some new moss that isn't wet!" Flamestorm said as he stretched. Toadpelt rolled his eyes at his denmate.

    "Do you always have to complain?"

    "I'm not complaining! It's the truth"

    "Yeah, okay"

    Pineheart and Gorsefire were laughing at the two elders who were arguing. Everyone knows that Toadpelt and Flamestorm argue. They're always bickering about something.

    "Hey Shadepaw!" Featherkit meowed, bounding over to her. "I'm almost an apprentice! We'll be denmates soon!" She was beaming with happiness. Jaykit and Robinkit were wrestling near the nursery as Sparrowflight kept an eye on them.

    Shadepaw set her collection of moss down, and smiled. Stormfall added his moss to the pile as well.

    "I see you have a fan." he meowed in amusement, while Shadepaw shrugged. Featherkit was called to get back to the nursery by her mother who told her to stop bothering the apprentices.

    "She really looks up to me" Shadepaw said. "I don't know why though." Stormfall stifled a purr of amusement, while shaking his head.

    "You're a wonderful cat, Shadepaw . Anyone can see that. It's no wonder she looks up to you." He told her with a touch of his tail tip on her flank. Shadepaw half smiled. The death of her mother still haunted her.

    "You really think so?" Shadepaw asked.

    "I know so."


    Shadepaw and Oakpaw were just returning to camp after a hunting assessment. They were proudly carrying their catch to the freshkill pile. A quarter moon before, Rowanpetal, Stormheart, and Adderstrike had become warriors. Oakpaw envied them a bit. Shadepaw and grown to be very muscular and well built. She was quite a bit larger then her sister, who was more slim and feminine. But their bond as sisters only grew larger and larger. And Aspenberry and Shadepaw were also extremely close. Some of the other warriors had wondered in the past if Shadepaw would change her mind and become a medicine cat. But that didn't happen.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now