I wassss TAGGGGG! :D

41 5 8

I was tagged by ThatCatVicky !!

I was tagged by ThatCatVicky !!

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1. Hehehee.... maybe...????.?.?:!!/$/&29:!3?2&&: sh....
2. NOPE NOPE NOPE... someone at meh school...
3.Blue and green and some other color! (Don't ask. It's kinda a mix-ish)
4. 8 1/2 (I have big feet😫😫😫😫😫😂😂😂...)
5. Failing...losing people I care about...
6. 5'3 and 1/2! (Ik I shortttt!)
7. Hmmm.... I may eat salad some time but I don't have a fave dressing!
8.WOLF!!!! (And cats and more)
9. Hm.... I have to put in eye drops every day and they make me look like I'm crying, does that count? No? Ok then lol. Umm.... A few weeks ago...
10. It's my dogs face, don't judge me😂

 It's my dogs face, don't judge me😂

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