After the truth

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We talked daily still. I couldn't text during school so he tried texting me after I got out. Still, I had homework and didn't reply super fast. It made it a bit more special when I texted I guess. It gave us both something to look forward to. I was always happy when I texted him. He was like an escape.

There was never a time he caused any problems between us and I tried to do the same. I always thought he was gonna live. Everyone else did so why wouldn't he? It confused me. I was so used to being treated like I was nothing that when he came along, I was scared. I was used to being called an asshole, a bitch, and a dumb ass whore that when he called me beautiful or perfect, I denied it. How could it be true? Everyone else thought otherwise.

Everyday he said some type of compliment. Even the little ones, they made me feel... special. Like I was actually important. I never felt the way I did with him. He made me feel like I actually mattered in this world. Like I had a purpose and that i could do anything I put my mind to. He was perfect. But I kept pushing him away. I didn't want to let him in. What if he leaves? What if he loses feelings? What if I mess up? What is I lose him? All of these what ifs and what would happen if kind of questions kept running through my head and I couldn't get them out. I was scared when I shouldn't of been.

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