Chapter 1

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*19 years ago*

Cold. Windy. Midnight. Moon was shining in all of his grace that night. High up in the mountains that winter all life was gone. At least it seemed like that. No one would have ever suspected that on that exact night when storm was raging and winds were howling when one would thought everything was dead a life could be born. High up in the mountains in a huge castle a child was born to a woman and a man. Newborn's scream was the noise that started this story. A story of life and death of love and hate.


* "No! Stop! I'm begging you!" a girl screamed. Her eyes were filled with horror and tears. Everything was red. Her hands, floor, walls. "What have I done to you? What have they DONE TO YOU??"she was screaming. She wanted an answer. But she didn't get one. All she heard was a cruel laugh. All she saw were cruel eyes. "STOP!!!!" *

You opened your eyes but the red was gone. All you saw was just the roof of your bedroom, which was somehow blurry from all of those tears coming out of your eyes. "Not this dream again "you mumbled. You were lying in your bed. You moved your hand to clean the tears from your face and then you saw it. Red marks on the right hand. You frowned. You hated red color. It represented blood. All the blood you saw that night. But it wasn't blood on your hand this time. Strangely shaped marks appeared on your hand about 4 days ago. You knew what that meant. Holy Grail had chosen you for the Holy Grail War. War whose winner will get the omnipotent wish granting device – Holy Grail. You had no idea why Grail has chosen you. Yes, you were a Mage, your parents were also, but you had never wished for anything THAT big. Then why? But the red marks on your hand meant no escape. Today a special package was supposed to come. An ancient artifact which will help you summon your future servant. But firstly you needed to prepare, starting with getting out of bed.

You went to the shower, brushed you teeth, combed your hair and got dressed. You decided to look at yourself in the mirror to check if you at least look decent enough. And there you were. You never considered yourself to be beautiful. But you were. Pale skin, fit body, healthy hair. Just eyes didn't seem to fit – they were striking blue color but seemed lifeless and sad. You were wearing black shorts, white cropped T-shirt, black Dr Martens and long black coat. Nothing was standing out except a tattoo above your chest. Three black sticks meeting in one point. That was a part of magic you specialized in.
Later that day a package arrived. The time to summon your servant was about to come. You decided to summon the legendary spirit in the ballroom. The castle you lived in was huge. It wasn't your childhood home, just another castle your parents had. The ballroom was the most luxurious room here – fitted for the spirit you were about to summon.

The evening came. All preparations were completed. You drew a magic circle from your own blood mixed with silver paint, put the artifact in place and then told the summoning chant:

"Silver and iron to the origin. A foundation of stone and the Archduke of Contracts.

An ancestor, my great master, Schweinorg. A wall to block the falling wind.

The gates of all four directions close. From the crown, come forth and follow the forked road to the Kingdom.

Thou, the seven days clad in the Great Trinity, come forth from the circle of constraint

Guardian of the Heavenly Scales! "

The moon was shining in all of his glory that night. And then you saw them – blood-coloured orbs looking at you. There was he standing- archer type servant.

King of Heroes – Gilgamesh!

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