Chapter 11

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Next morning you woke up in your bed with the same clothes you got your ass kicked with yesterday. But this time Gilgamesh was right here in your room, casually sitting on a couch. He saw you.

"Finally awake. And here I thought I should wake you up. You do have some nerve making me wait." He said but this time his tone was more sarcastic than angry or accusing.

You tried to move and it seemed that thee pain was almost completely gone.

"You have my apologies for sleeping for too long. You know, I just almost died, because Heroic Spirit I summoned to help me was gone somewhere." You said a bit annoyed.

"Well, don't worry I'll stay by your side all the time now, because I see you just love to get into fights. I you aren't really good at them so I guess you need my protection." Gilgamesh said in proud voice.

"I don't need your protection. Just assistance to win the Holy Grail. It would be nice for you to put aside your sightseeing or whatever the thing is that you do"

"Don't worry I wasn't just wasting my precious time on your hideous world. I think you would like to hear information that I've gotten"

"Just look at that, you are not completely useless like I thought you were" You said.

"Just sit and listen, idiot woman. Yest..."

"It's (y/n) it would be nice if you could remember your Master's name, Gilgamesh. " You cut him off.

Gilgamesh looked at you with surprise. How dared you not only interrupt him but also ask that kind of thing. But his angry look was instantly changed into little smirk.

"Yesterday" He continued "I was with Saber and Rider."

You were shocked. What did he just say?

"Those two other mongrels that dare to call themselves kings in my presence. Well they are sure interesting mongrels. Especially Saber - what a stupid woman. But still charming in her own way with her silly ideals" He said in a voice that seemed like a challenge and fascination, as he was interested in her. What was that you felt in that moment? You could not explain.

"You shouldn't be concerned with our conversation but just so you now we were encountered by assassin. Assassins, to be precise."

Another wave of surprise hit you. "Assassin? The one I killed that night?"

Gilgamesh nodded. "Apparently his true identity lies in his number. But you shouldn't be concerned with it right now because they are all dead. Rider killed them with his Noble Phantasm."

"You saw Rider's Noble Phantasm?" You jumped out of your bed. This was just too much to handle.

Man in front of you smiled. Sitting with his arms crossed proud as always. Not even a tiny amount of wavering.

"I see. Then I have nothing to worry about." You said.

For a moment there was a silence between you both, but you decided to say something that was concerning you since the last night.

"Gilgamesh" You started "When Lancer was about to kill me last night and before you stopped the spear I felt something... Fear. Fear of not wanting to die. When I first started this War I wasn't really interested in winning or surviving. I thought that this life I have right now will finally disappear like it should have 10 years ago. But I don't feel that way anymore. I want to survive. I want to win the Holy Grail. I still don't know why. I just want it. Will you help me?"

Gilgamesh looked at you with serious face then stood up walked to you and hold his hand. You were surprised. What has happened to Gilgamesh? Is he getting soft? But you smiled and took it. You both shook your hands. Perhaps this was the start of you breaking those wall, surrounding your heart? A start of new and fresh relationship. Friendship that might heal your weary soul.

"Consider the Holy Grail won (y/n). Just do not disappoint me. Prove to me that my Master is worth of his Servant" He said. You nodded. "By the way, you really talk a lot while you sleep" Gilgamesh added walking to the window.

You frowned. "What... What was I talking about?"

"Something about your friend Takeshi but mostly moaning my name."

You frowned even harder. It's been 10 years can he finally leave you alone? "Well, it's logical for me to dream about him as he had a huge impact on my life to say the least. But you should try a bit harder to enter my dreams" You said, blood rushing to your cheeks.

"Try? And what should I do?" He said as he walked towards you.

"Well, you could try to hang around here more and forget those chit-chats with Saber. And Rider. " You said while stepping back.

"Do I hear jealousy?" Gilgamesh said clearly pleased with himself. You were now touching the wall with your back and he was inches from you blocking the way out - his hands pressed to the walls from both sides of your head.

"Jealousy? Of who? The most dick-head king I've ever known?"

"Careful with the words you say to the king. In fact I'm the first and last king you'll ever meet so be grateful to have me." He said closely leaning towards your face.

You were now really scared of his closeness. But he leaned back.

"You should go and eat, you really look pale. In that state you won't be able to provide me decent amount of mana." Gilgamesh said.

Oh yes. You hadn't had anything in your mouth for about a day. You felt really hungry.

"Right. See you later then." You quickly stormed out of the room.

What was happening? You couldn't comprehend those new feeling inside. But now food. Long day was waiting for you.

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