The start

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Hi am morgan I am in fifth grade and this is a story about me and my friends drama friendship.
It's the first day of school even though I get A's in school I HATE it.
But my best friend pulls me through the day by being her dorky self.Her name is Kayla or petra1123 on Wattpad.Well all friends have ups and downs after all this is life.NOTHING is perfect except god and Jesus friendships are no where near perfect so let's face it we are not perfect and neither is my life.Me and Kayla met in third grade and have been friends ever since I was her first friend at our school and she was my first friend at our school.We have been in the same class ever since we are best friends.This is  a story about our friendship and it's drama.First we met because we were at recess and we were interested in the same things...I knew I would never forget the moment we met or the things that made us friends in the first place.Or what keeps us friends throughout the tough years.I hope Kayla is reading this right now because she knows we have had ups and downs in our friendship.At least I am pretty sure she does...I hope so.Because Everytime ship does but me and Kayla's barely has any but we have a few.

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