Don't forget to cherish your friends and memories before you lose them or forget them. that is what I have learned to do.You may think that you will have your friends forever but you don't...And it's the truth.When I was in 3rd and 4th grade I shut my friends out.Because I was going through tough times. Next thing you know I'm in 5th grade and the friends I shut out where there were there for me. Been my main best friend has to move.(Kayla Moore) I didn't cherish our times together but when I do I end up right where I started. Now I am asking myself can I start back at the beginning I asked myself at least Twice today. She will never forget our memories and I will never forget her silly self. I am writing this on a piece of paper right after a reading test watching her raise her eyebrows that she writes and remembering all of the silly things we have done together in the past. So make sure you don't forget to charge your friends and memories before you lose them or forget them that is the main part of friendship.
Drama friendship
Adventuretwo 5th grade friends have a drama in there friendship...By the way this is a true story.