Chapter 6

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"I could just make pasta," Sonic argued but Amy seemingly didn't listen to him, too preoccupied with choosing the stalls with best looking vegetables and striking a small chat with the vendors.

Like she had been doing for past 45 minutes.

"And what is pasta best with? A tomato sauce made from fresh tomatoes!" his pink companion announced after a brief pause, proving wrong his belief that she wasn't listening to him. Then, once she paid for a bag of the aforementioned red fruit, Amy walked over to him.

Sonic was sure she could easily see he still hadn't found his enthusiasm about her idea of stopping by to buy some extra fresh vegetables at the farmers' market - with which she'd came up when they passed it on their way from the grocery store - but she didn't comment on it anyhow.

Sonic frowned slightly. "Well, yeah, that's true . But we really need to return back — Shadow might be calm at the moment but we still don't know if the serum won't-"

"Stop worrying about Shadow! He can take care of himself — And if anything happens, Tails is there with him!"

Sonic sighed. That's what I am worried about. Shadow was unpredictable at the moment — there was no guarantee he wouldn't suddenly snap and go on a murderous rampage like he had already done before. The agent's temper wasn't something to rely on at normal occasion, who knew if it wasn't even less stable now when the strange serum was controlling his brain.

"Ames, we really need to-" Sonic started but was immediately interrupted by said female herself as she said,"Give me a minute!" before reaching into her boot and taking out a vibrating cell-phone, which she then flipped open, her green eyes taking a quick look at its screen.

"What a luck! Tails is just calling! You can ask him how things are going back at home!" Amy announced, practically shoving the phone into his hands before turning around, saying,"Call if you need me!" and then walking off yet again.

Sighing, the cobalt hero watched the female approach yet another stall - this time looking intently at various lettuces, probably judging them and trying to determine which one was the freshest, making the previous ten minutes trip slowly turn into one hour long trip. Sighing once more, the hero forced himself to look away and then finally accept the call, bringing the pinkish cell-phone to his right ear just a moment later. "Hey, Tails, everything still alright at home?"

"Um, yeah! Sure!" was the fox's quick reply. "Shadow hasn't been causing any trouble so far," Tails added to reassure his older brother everything was going fine. "I'm just calling to ask how long it'll be until you'll return."

Emerald orbs turned to look at the pink female, who was currently animatedly chatting with a vendor, the conversation seemingly more interesting her than the vegetables the vendor had on a display.

"Given how long is Amy taking with each item..." Sonic started, green eyes sweeping over the market place to see how many stalls they hadn't visited yet. "...Another hour probably?"

"Oh, alright then. I'll try to come up with something that'll keep Shadow busy for that long..."

"I suggest asking him to help you clean up the workshop. No offense, but that place is an absolute mess," Sonic replied, recalling the big room littered with projects — both finished and unfinished ones.

"Um, I've actually already done that already and somehow it took him only five minutes to clean it up," Tails muttered quietly, still dumbfounded by how fast the agent had managed the task.

"What?! You're joking, right?" Sonic asked, disbelieving. "There was like thousands projects and some of them were freaking huge and heavy! How on Mobius did he move them?"

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