Isabella POV
I cooked him the best lunch I could muster up. For a starter I made a crab soup with a freshly baked roll. Rice with a pan fried chicken was the main course. For desert ice cream and brownies. I had to impress.
“How’s those brownies.”
“Delicious. Thanks love.” He said. I nodded and placed a bowl of cookie and cream ice, vanilla ice cream, with caramel and fudge drizzled on top. Whip cream finished it off.
“Ok. What happen? Who died?”
“Nobody. I need to ask you a serious question.”
“Ok, shoot.”
“Will you be my maid of honor?”
The look on Louis’s face was priceless. He looked at me then the ice cream. He took a spoonful of it in his mouth. He swallowed and that’s when he stared at me.
“You’re joking love right?”
“No, I’m serious. Be my maid of honor.”
“Isabella, I’m a guy. I’m not a female. Ignorant people in the world might think I’m secretly having an affair with Harry and I don’t have any balls. I do. Do you want to look?”
“No, ugh, Louis. You’re my best friend and your maid of honor is supposed to be your best friend. Besides I’ve seen them before.”
“Ask Nina or something.”
“I can’t believe you would do this to me. I thought we were best friends.” I snatched the ice cream bowl from his lap. I knew took the spoon out his mouth. I took it and started eating it myself.
“You can leave now. I don’t need your snarky attitude around me and my future unmade fetus.”
“Iz, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
“Whatever Louis. Just leave.” I placed all the leftovers in the fridge and sat on one of the stools. I ate ice cream, ignoring Lou in the process. He sighed and sat next to me one of the stools.
“Iz, come on. I’m a man. Men don’t wear dresses and plan bachelorettes. We plan bachelors and wear suits.”
“You know what you’re told right. I have no idea what I was thinking. I’ll ask Nina.” I said, sarcastically. I got up since the ice cream is finished.
“Come on, Iz. I just can’t be your maid of honor.”
“Why not?”
“Zayn already asked me to be his best man. I said yes.”
“Why are you lying?”
“What?” What Louis seems to forget is that we have dated and we are best friends? I know his every little quirk and every little thing to tell if he’s lying or not.
“Lou, if you don’t know this is my wedding. I am renewing my vows with Zayn. Zayn already told me who his best man was. I think your name is Louis not Liam.”
“Liam is his best man. Do I feel betrayed?”
“You lied to me Louis. You lied. I don’t understand why you couldn’t just say, “I’m a selfish prick and I don’t want to be your freaking maid of honor.” Your stressing me completely out. This is not good for me or my growing fetus.”
“Shut-up with all that bull-crap! I don’t care about your growing fetus. It’s not a real thing anyway. It was made like it was supposed to be. It was made it a lab. I don’t care if it has your DNA or Zayn’s. You’re not a woman if you can have a baby properly. Remember when you thought you were pregnant with my baby. You were disgusted at the thought of having a babe with me. Once we got the all clear you broke up with me. I loved you. I helped you all those times Zayn hurt you. Now you want me to be your stupid maid of honor. No, the answers no. I’m going to be a selfish prick and I’m not going to be your maid of honor.” He said. I stared at him flabbergasted at all he just said. I couldn’t comprehend what he just said.

Our Last Wish ( A Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)
FanficZayn and Isabella Malik have been trying to have a baby for a long time. They've been together since high school and are deeply in love. When Isabella gets fed up after four years of miscarriages and not being able to get pregnant, Isabella finds o...