[3] L-O-N-D-O-N!

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*3* L-O-N-D-O-N!

Dear Diary,

On exactly 30 minutes from now I'd be picked up by my dad and be living my life in London! I still can"t believe that my parents allowed me and my two bestfriends to live in a house designed by my mum. Like bestfriends=Riot?

Well Nate's excited to see One Direction..Like dude,they're travelling,it's not like you can expect them to pop out from random places like...uhhmm? My dad's dental office? Okay now that would be REALLY random!

Bye from now my precious diary.

Love, Me♥

I closed my diary and yes people I still keep a diary..you now to express your feelings and stuff? too girly? I KNOW! It just that if i'm feeling happy,down or  excited, I cant help but write..

Time flies so fast that the Flight Attendant just announced that we need to buckle up cuz' we'd be landing on a few minutes..


"Good morning sweetheart,how's your flight?" My dad asked..

"Its fine.." I said,shrugging.

We are already inside my dad's car.

The plan was I'm gonna live with him for awhile then transfer to the house that they gave when Kamryn and Nate arrived.

"We're here..It's been awhile since you've visit London.." My dad said.

"I know...I missed this place..does Sheila still live here  dad?" I asked.

Sheila is my dad's neighbor. She's old and super kind and gives free food to me ALL.THE.TIME

"Yes..she was really happy when I told her you were coming.."

"You don't mind if I visit her later right?"

"No,not at all..by the way later this 3'o clock I need you in my clinic..if that's alright with you?"

"No problem dad.."


I visited Sheila awhile ago and told her my high-school story and She offered me lunch.

Its 2:15 already so I quickly took a bath and changed from my  ripped jeans and Ramones tees to shorts and a pink oversized  hoodie and a blank tank top underneath.

I walked to my dad's clinic since it's just a 15 minute walk  from my dad's flat.

When I arrived,I saw someone I didn't expect to see..

"OHMYGLOB..please tell me Im dreaming or is THE Harry Styles really in my dad's clinic?"


Hiiyyeers Yo!


So I've FINALLY updated :))))

Life has been rough to me AGAIN..

So please leave a message

It would really mean A LOT

Its often my motivation to write :D




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