Spot: so what do we do now
Buddy: now we must find the sent of our human family
Patch: oh yes, so let's split up in different directions
Spot: yes
Buddy: so I will go left, and patch go right, and and lastly stop Will go straight, so if you find them, then call one of us
Spot/patch: yes
Patch: hey guys
Buddy/spot: yah
Patch: I found them
Buddy/spot: you did
Patch: yah and they're looking for us
Buddy/spot: they are
Patch: yes, come on guys lets go
Buddy/spot: yah, yah
Patch: "mommy, daddy" "what is it" "patch, spot, and buddy are back, yay!!!
Buddy: we're home now yay, but wait this isn't my house, my family must have moved while I was captured, hey guys did you check out your new backyard
Patch/spot: yes and we love it, what about yours
Buddy: yes it's great
Spot: hey buddy, patch
Buddy/patch: yah
Spot: we all live next to each other
Buddy/patch: we know, and it's almost dinner time
Spot: yah, so I will see you tomorrow
Buddy/patch: ok night spot
Spot: night patch p, night buddy
Patch: hey guys what are you doing today
Spot: I'm going to the dog salon
Buddy: and I'm going fishing
Patch: ok bye
The talking dogs
AdventureThis story is about action adventure with three lovable dogs and their life's about what they went through to get to their owners today