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             his eyes darted rapidly around the room; a vivid imagination of his began to picture horror. The waiting room's walls were lined with frightfully hideous floral wallpaper. It was torn and most of it had peeled off to reveal white washed walls. Jay shrunk in his seat, his fingers nervously playing with the hem of an old band shirt whose name you couldn't even make out anymore. all that was left is the ‘tuning ds’ part.

              jay absolutely despised the doctors. every visit only seemed to bring some twisted horror scene to life. what if they injected him with the wrong thing? what if the needle wasn't sterilized? what if the vaccine ended up killing him, or worse, he picks up some incurable tropical disease from someone else in the room? sure, they seemed silly enough, but in his mind he could play the scenario out perfect. 

            the seats didn't help much either. they were said to have once been constructed of the finest wood and stuffed with the best cushion known to make you wish your wait were prolonged. all that was left now was brittle wood and torn up cushion with that ugly yellow stuff covering the seat. it was a miracle they were still intact.

               around the room, jay found numerous potentially dangerous people. one was an elderly lady, who's wheezing echoed off the unattractive walls. another was a middle aged lady who couldn't stop coughing and held a baby with an unbelievably red face. yet perhaps the worse was the shriveled up man who couldn't cease throwing up and had a horrible runny nose. sweat lined his brow and his arm seemed to be lined in purple. he almost looked inhuman.

                 the sights caused jay to shrink back deeper into his seat, hoping to possibly squeeze himself into a safety bubble of some sort. his dear mother noticed this action, instinctively reaching to stroke jay's light brown freckles above his cheeks. her efforts soothe him a little for a moment, but a wave of anxiety flooded back as the entrance door creaked open.

and in flounced a peculiar girl wearing a blue dress and pink hat.

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