2: Midday chat

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Time had already passed a little into the day, so it was almost the afternoon. The three of us were outside, being antisocial and sitting under a tree away from where every one was eating. Oh.. I forgot to mention it was lunchtime, whoops I'm dumb- oh my.. I'm getting off track.

We weren't eating anything, we never did really. At least not here, (how we are still alive I do not know)

"Y/n!" Ethan shouted, tapping me on my shoulder repeatedly.

"What do you want..?" I responded tiredly.

"....I forgot." Ethan said.

I sighed a laid my face in my hands. I was so sleepy.. I really wish I had slept last night. I just had to stay up watching Friends.. Why did they even decide to run a bunch of it when it just so happened to be the night before school anyways? Well.. I think that's every night, but still!

"Are you sleepy? Because I am too.." Ethan said, trying to restrain a yawn.

"Yeah. Very." I responded, keeping my head in my hands.

"Just go to sleep. We'll wake you up when it's time to go back inside." Pj said.

"No.. because that's shortly and if I sleep for the slightest bit of time I'll get really pissed off for the rest of the day." I said.

"Okay then, suit yourself." Pj said.

The teacher walked in our direction.

"Y/n..? Are you okay?" The teacher asked me.

I jolted my head up and stared at her. It took me a few seconds to respond, but at some point I finally did.

"Yes yes! I'm fine. I'm just a little tired.." I said, very, very awkwardly.

"Okay.. Ethan, can you come with me for a minute? I need help with something and you don't seem to be doing anything.." She asked him.

"Um.. Yeah, sure." Ethan said, standing up and turning towards us with the look of 'kill me,' plastered across his face.

Me and Pj held back laughter as Ethan walked away staring at us with the same look. He wasn't even looking where he was going and ran into the principal at one point. He made him drop his lemonade.. it was hilarious. Ethan got yelled at briefly though..

After Ethan was out of sight I looked over to see Pj staring at something near the tree. I've been wondering what he was doing this whole time..

"Pj, what are you doing?" I asked, trying to look over his shoulder, but failing miserably.

"I'm looking at the flowers." He responded.

"Where?" I asked.

"Come over here." He said, motioning me to come and sit beside him.

I crawled over there and looked at what he was talking about. There were four small red-petaled flowers on the side of the tree. They weren't very noticeable.. At least I've never noticed them before.

"Aren't they pretty?" Pj said, continuing to stare at them.

"Yeah.. I've never seen them here before.. that's strange, considering we've come out here and sat in this exact spot for the past three years.." I said, looking at the flowers as well.

"I've noticed them the whole time they've been growing. It's been nice to see them grow as fast as they have." Pj said.

"I've noticed you like flowers a lot Peej. Why is that?" I asked.

He turned towards me, and he thought for a minute.

"Well.. Flowers are like people. This world is like a flower garden. There are beautiful flowers, not so beautiful flowers, big flowers that stand out, small flowers that are overlooked.. But sometimes, the beautiful ones aren't always the best." Pj explained.

I stared at him for a moment in shock.

"Pj.." I said, my words trailing off.

"Yes?" He said, turning back towards me, staring directly into my eyes.

I stopped for a moment and stared back at him for a long moment. Then I said something.

"What kind of poetic shit was that?" I shouted.

'Wow y/n.. way to ruin a moment..' I thought to myself.

I turned my head the opposite direction. That was such a stupid thing to say, it probably wasn't even that bad, I'm just overreacting. Does it matter? I think it does.. or does it? I don't know.. shit- he was talking oh my god what did he say shitshitshit okay stop talking in your mind and listen before you miss anything else, shut up now.

"- well.. that's what it was." He finished.

Okay.. Now I'm going to have to pretend I was listening the whole time.. Hmm.. I must carefully respond..

"Yes, I understand now." I said nervously.

Pj started giggling.

"You dork, I wasn't even talking about that! I knew you weren't paying attention, so I was talking about something completely unrelated!" He said, laughing really hard.

My face turned bright red. That little bitch..

We saw Ethan running towards us. Before he made it to us, he tripped and landed in the dirt that surrounded the tree. He lifted his head up like nothing happened and looked at us confusedly.

"What happened? Did Pj just reject you or something, y/n?" Ethan said, examining our expressions.

"Ethan!" I shouted, smacking him on the arm, "You know good and well that I would never have the courage to confess my feelings to someone! And even if I did, it definitely wouldn't be Pj.." I said, glaring at him.

"Okay, okay. I asked for a simple answer not a novel.." Ethan said.

"You didn't ask for either.." I said.

"So what did you do?" Pj asked.

"Oh.. The teacher wanted me to help the vice principal with something. It was about watching this small child. He was annoying.." Ethan said.

"Why a small child..?" I asked.

"That's what I'm wondering. What the hell is it doing here?" Pj said.

"I don't know.. it's just here." Ethan said.

Suddenly someone came running towards us. It was Naomi, one of the most popular girls in our year. She was stuck up for real..

"Hey loners!" She said, stopping a few feet away from us, "Ms. Blackwood said to leave soon, so get off the filthy ground and come on." She finished, scoffing and turning back in the direction of the class.

"Bitch.." Ethan muttered, sitting up and crossing his arms, even putting a pout across his face.

"Ethan, just ignore her and stop acting like a baby." I said, standing up and holding my hand out to help him up.

"No.. I'm too salty to stop acting like a baby.." Ethan said, grabbing my hand.

I pulled Ethan up and then turned to Pj, who was already standing up.

"Lets go before the bitch comes back.." Pj said.

We all started to walk back to class. The teacher didn't really care if we went back by ourselves.. As long as we got back to class before one.

I checked my phone, twenty minutes until one..

"Guys, we still have twenty minutes, so can we just walk around for a bit..?" I asked, already knowing the response.

They both shrugged as a sign of 'okay, whatever.' I mean I did that a lot too but damn.. they did it too much.

We started to walk into the school again. I didn't know what we were going to do, but hopefully, we can do something that will be better than class.

Come to think of it.. I can't stop thinking about what Pj said about the flowers.. it was actually beautiful the way he worded it. I'm the 'not so beautiful,' flower, obviously.

I should really think about it more.. Eh, I'll probably forget about it sooner or later.

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