Chapter 39

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By evening, they had reached the Port.

As much as anyone hated to admit it, it felt good taking a break from the open ocean for a while. Everyone dispersed into the town, most planning to have a night out in the bars.

Delphine, Jones, Jay, Edward, and Fleabag where left aboard the ship. It was decided that Jones and Fleabag would stay aboard and see that the ship was stocked and repaired, Jay and Delphine were to take Edward into town to get some medical attention.

A makeshift crutch had been created for Edward so that he could somewhat hobble around. Delphine slowly helped him up the stairs and down the ramp leading off of the ship and onto the docks, providing another arm for him to lean on when he needed it. Jay went ahead of them to look for help. Edward was taking it quite slow as not to hurt himself, and Delphine went slowly with him. They walked in silence for a very long time.

They finally reached the end of the dock, the street splitting either way in front of them, a small walkway continuing straight forward.

Edward stopped walking at that moment, leaning heavily on his crutch. Delphine was about to ask him what was wrong when he spoke up.

"I'm sorry Delphine."

She frowned.

"Sorry for what?"

"The argument. I never should have said those things to you. It was wrong of me."

"I'm sorry too Edward I-"

"No you shouldn't be." He shook his head. "You were only standing up for yourself, and that's what I-"

He stopped, taking in a deep breath. People moved up and down the street in front of them, but it didn't matter at that moment. All she could see was Edward. She knew what he was about to say before he even said it.

"Delphine, I should have told you this a long time ago," he said, leaning in closer and closer until their faces were really close, and she could feel his breath tickling her face. His voice was only audible to her.

"I love yo-"

He was interrupted by a click at the back of Delphine's neck. She flinched as she felt a cold metal spike cut into her neck, not breaking the skin but causing her to stop completely.

"Turn around with your hands up, pirate."

She did so, all the time feeling the weapon at close proximity to her neck and face. When fully turned around, she could see her assailants.

It was a group of British soldiers, dressed in uniform. A familiar face stepped through the crowd and came towards her, a sly grin on his face.

"Commander Jennings." She spoke, with as much politeness as she could muster.

"Delphine Hains." He said, his accent dripping from his voice. "I'm so glad to be presented with the opportunity to see you again."

Peering behind her, he spotted Edward. There was more shuffling through the crowd, and a younger girl appeared, with many of Edward's same features.

His sister. She thought.

"Edward!" She cried, running towards him. She approached him and seeing his injury, gently hugged him.

"What happened to you Edward?" She asked, glaring at Delphine as if she had done something wrong.

Commander Jennings spoke again.
"Clearly, after being blackmailed by the pirate to state that he wanted to stay on the ship, he was brutally beaten to the point of needing medical attention. His friend here, Miss Hains, felt the need to get him better medical attention, and we knew very well she would come to a slummy pirate port. That is what she is after all."

Delphine felt Edward tense behind her.

With his sister, Delphine remembered her name to be Clara, clutching gently to his shirt looking up at him, Edward was clearly torn. He looked up from her face and looked at Delphine, their eyes locking for several seconds. Delphine nodded subtly at him, telling him with that gesture what he needed to do, even though it pained her. And probably him aswell.

Edward visibly stiffened. "Yes Commander, that's about all of it."

He nodded, and Jennings orders were quick and swift. Delphine was torn of her weapons, they were thrown harshly down onto the dock. Two soldiers grabbed her by the arms, Jennings reading off of some paper about the crimes she had committed, and how they were punishable by death.

From one of the little side streets, Jay appeared, his eyes widening as he took in the scene before him. Delphine shook her head and he retreated back into the shadows.

Jennings was just finishing his reading. "- and therefore, you shall hang by the neck until dead."

Edward spoke up then.

"No." He said.

Jennings looked up, shocked at what he was saying.

"What do you mean, no?" He asked, exasperated.

Edward's eyes locked again with Delphine's, and he kept her gaze as he spoke.

"She was kind enough to bring me back. Spare her life Commander."

"And what could possibly make you think that?"

"The reason isn't of importance. I pardon her. Let her go."

With hesitation, Jennings nodded at his men and they released her. She rubbed feeling back into her arms as Edward was helped to walk by two soldiers. Before they left, the Commander spoke.

"If I ever hear word of you near Dunnigan or in any other British port again, I shall personally see to it that you are not allowed such mercy."

He turned swiftly, and the party walked away. Edward gave her one last sorrowful glance before he was forced to walk away. In that moment, Delphine's heart deflated a little bit.

Once they were down the street a fair ways, Jay appeared out of an alleyway and walked towards her.

"What was that all about?"

"They were waiting for us." Was all she said, before turning back to the Dagger. Her trust had slowly been building back up, brick by brick. She had just been starting to find love again. And now this. Would she ever get a break?

Delphine ignored it. She pushed all of it to the side in a great heap, to the dark corners of her mind. She couldn't make it go away, but she could hide it. She could hide the fact that she felt extremely hurt and had no trust for anyone anymore.

Everyone always left her. Everyone probably always would.


That's the end! I'm sorry if you hated it, I'm very happy if you loved it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!

As for more, I'm slowly scraping together a second book, I may post a sample chapter on here sometime soon of the first chapter or so, to see if it's something that would garner any interest. Until then!


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