"Pro Black..but Not Pro Black Woman"
(Male Perspective)Argument:
"Black Women have an attitude problem, that's why they are treated like they are, Love them to death but can't stand their attitude"
Is it attitude or is it self love?
I mean, a woman is generalized as a servant to man period but the black woman is seen as beyond that..
Just like black men who saw their wives raped, killed in front of them...
Black women saw their husband's killed, sold, beaten, raped...then saw their own babies thrown into lakes and fire creating laughter....yet had to nurture and breastfeed the white children that would grow up to hate them and their children...even unwillingly birth white babies...so a black woman birthing a white child is okay? But not a black child?
Black Women were used as sex toys by white men but then called sluttish, dirty the next day....white men loved to say they were ugly, and condemned their skin, body shape and hair....but that didn't stop them from having sex with them...
The black woman was then blamed by white women for their features, saying they stole their black men...and in turn desired their hair, body shape, etc...
So now, white women who say they think black women are ghetto with ugly hair, skin and bodies....go into a store to buy products to change their hair, get a tan, and get body modifications such as buttock implants... That they don't naturally have and never wanted before their envy of the black woman and disgust with the thought a black woman had something they didn't? Yet the black woman is "slutty" for these same features and "selfish" for calling this wrong?
Black women DON'T have an attitude problem, white majorities made this assumption... they are confident... Because everything about them is shamed on them, their bodies, their hair, their skin, their attire, their voices, their contributions, their talents, their strength....their experiences, their education , their history (to be both a woman and black? double hate) but then glorified on white bodies when white women were sluttish, blank, timid, not confident, pushover and overall a false image of beautiful....the image america adores.
I think considering a black woman being blunt and confident isn't a bad thing, because I mean.... When a mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, etc... worries about you and loves you so much, does she sugarcoat anything? Was the horror black people live and go through something that can be sugarcoated? Should black women be pushed over when they already have been all their life fighting for mere recognition?
When mass incarceration wrongfully incarcerates black fathers, black women share the blame when they work two jobs, usually with employers who are racist....caring for children who have grown hateful of their father because of rumors...also caring for suffering children and a suffering husband, putting her needs last...
....Having to fear and warn what other parents don't
.... being questioned by her own child why there are no positive black images on TV or in school?
...having to promote the ides that behavior, work and education is success, when that's not even valid to much of society....
.... living in a community with institutionally restrictions on jobs, education, finances....
..doing everything they can to educate and survive, yet like her family's her own image is unsafe she is both a woman and black...and the efforts to meet the expectations the white majority forced upon her is seen as invalid and even "wannabe white" in many cases.
Given these circumstances,
Black women being tired of....
being told they are less....when no other race matches their strength and impact
...being told they are ugly when they are indeed beautiful or else their features wouldn't be "regulated" or "normalized" on another race....
ARE just for once loving themselves, and doing for themselves...in a society where black people can't have anything for themselves...but especially black women.
Their circumstances causing self hate and suffering can create a sense of anger or self focusing... Shaming the behavior just adds to an already full plate...The source , who caused this to happen....is at fault... Not the Black Woman.
The Conscious Connections
No FicciónAn Analysis on Discussions of Black Consciousness