Day 3 hour 4

16 0 0

I'll admit I'm alittle nervous to go in, I wonder who's been operating that lovely music box.
I open turn the door knob and go in, the place is full of black strings, a lot of them but not so much that I couldn't traverse through them, there were more strings near the corners, and once again the layout was the same as the other two floors. Well there was one difference now, and that was there was no furniture anywhere at all! It was empty and there were red stains leading up to a room, the usual room were stuff happens.
The red stains still seem alittle wet, I had to be careful walking around them.
I could hear the music box is clearly on the other side, I open the door and some red fluid rushes out on my feet and settles down along with the other fluid in the ally before the room.
Inside there was also no furniture, in fact this room had no windows either, it was in a cube shape and the room looked like they were made out of some sort of flesh, I could see the veins as well as the fleshy areas and it was even faintly beating, like a heart.
I'm the middle was a little girl, she had no mouth and her skin was mildly pale, her hair was a vivid scarlet color. She a white bow on hair that was stained with some red splatters.
Her eyes were large, like they were stitched open.
Here eyes were aqua blue and whites of the eyes seemed to have turned black, she seems like she's been crying a lot, there are dark reddish stains on her cheeks that seemed to have come from her eyes.
Her dress was also white but was covered in red stains.
She had a music box in front of her, she stared it intently, the music box had black strings attached it that were leading into flesh, in guessing this is where the black strings are coming from.
There was also this long fleshy tube coming from the ceiling and it was attached to the girls stomach, the string pierced through the dress it seems, since the area around the string looks ripped, revealing a small portion of her pale stomach.
The girl slowly looked up from her music box and stared at me instead, I felt strange all of a sudden, she looked so lonely, but then I remembered I had to go to blood forest, but I couldn't jut leave her here alone.
Well maybe for now I could keep her company by asking her about blood forest, and even if she doesn't know, I could tell her all about my adventures up until now!
I take out my map and attempt to go towards her, the "ground" is so slippery, so I decide to move around on my knees, it's definitely alittle easier.
Once I made it to her, I decided not to settle the map down on the "floor" as it was clear that it would get soaked, I also noticed she had no shoes or socks on, geez didn't her feet feel cold or something?

She seemed to react to the map, trying to get a closer look at it, I move the map closer to help her.
Her right hand slowly moves up and points to blood forest on the map.
Woah! She seems to already know where I want to go!
"You know that place?" I ask her
She nods in agreement
I was so excited for a moment, I wanted to ask her to lead me there but a thought passed over my head.

She's attached to that tube coming from the ceiling and I don't think she can move around too much.
"Do you want to go with me? So your not alone?"
She stared at me for a bit before nodding yes.
She started shuffling in place, attempting to get up it seems.
It looked she was having a hard time trying to get up so I put away the map and gently grabbed her by the arms and pulled her up, she was also having trouble staying up! It's like she's never used her legs before.
Well even though that problem was out of the way, there was still the whole matter with actually getting her out of the room...I knew what I had to do, but I wasn't entirely sure if I should.
It was to cut the tube coming from the ceiling.
I took out my knife and held the cutting side near tube and looked at the girl for some sort of approval, she was holding onto me with one hand and with the other she guided my hand holding the knife into the tube and the whole area seemed to lightly shake and heard a very faint shrieking sound coming from far away, could have just been my imagination..anyway I'll take that as her approval.
I continued to slice through the tube, it gushed red fluid out of it along with some other pale yellow chunky goo I wasn't too familiar with.

I cut off what was left of it off of her skin. But now there was another problem...she was slightly bleeding from her stomach and she was using her free hand to hold put pressure onto her own stomach to slow down the bleeding, with her other hand she held onto me by putting her arm around my shoulder. I'll have to find a way to patch her up. I don't want her to be hurt the whole way...maybe even teach her to walk apparently! She's walking in an odd pattern.
Yup that proves it, she probably either never used legs before or hasn't used them in a LONG while, either way it's my duty to protect her now as she guides me to blood forest.

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