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Mrs. Iman's POV:

I had silently been watching Rayhannah and I'd noticed that she'd always become dazed during most of the assemblies and the common thing about all those assemblies was that the one reciting the Quran was Muhammad. So I approached her and asked her to meet me in my office after her classes were over.
'Ya Allah, I'm doing this for her own sake. Please make her tongue light when she is compelled to say the truth and make it heavy when she is compelled to lie.' I whispered under my breath and almost immediately a knock was heard on my door.
"Come on in hayaty." She looked confused as she was walked in and said her salaams.
After about ten minutes of talking about her family, her studies and life in general I decided it was time to be straight forward.
"This might not be how you want to talk about this or even whom you want to talk about it with but I had to step in and ask," her eyes widened as she fumbled for words.

Rayhannah's P.O.V:

Being summoned by Mrs. Iman had to be the weirdest thing that had happened that day. I quickly packed my books and ran to the gate to ask Umar to wait for me so that we could walk home together since Khaleed couldn't possibly miss his meetings at the mosque. After he agreed, I passed him my bag and ran to her office hoping she hadn't been waiting for too long.

When I got there we talked about my family and my studies but my heart kept on pounding ever so loudly. When she finally cut to the chase I found myself wishing she hadn't.
"This might not be how you want to talk about this or even whom you want to talk about it with but I had to step in and ask," she started, "Muhammad, you like him don't you?"

Subhanallah! How did she know? Was I that obvious?

"He is my son habibty. That's how I know. I am so overprotective and I stare at him all day and the only other person with love in their eyes when they are doing that is you and his father. So, you like my son?"
My heart continued pounding as tears I didn't understand found their way out of my eyes.
"I have tried so hard to hide it wallahy and I prayed Istighara and I keep seeing Nusaibah and Khawla and I don't understand what that could possibly mean. I didn't expect to see roses either but then something a little bit clearer. And I promise I will stop. I will try to unlike him. I will try harder. It's not something that..." she cut me short.
"I like how you like my son," I froze ," I love you so much and you know it. And you are good for my son and.."
"Mrs. Iman, you have no idea how much that means to me but it's Muhammad's approval that would ease all this pain. Not to belittle your views or anything but it's his ,'I love you for me' that would make all this pain feel worthwhile and bearable. And I don't want to know whether he talks about me or not or even what he says because if he says he sees me as a friend I don't know what I'd do. I'm trying to leave it all to Allah (S.W) because He is the best of planners and sometimes I think I want something specific but what if it's not what's right? Yes I love your son Subhanallah so much that I pray for him more than I pray for myself. So many nights I've cried because of him, for him but wallahy only Allah (S.W) knows the pain." I was saying too much. My eyesight was blurred by tears and all I could think was that I was talking to Muhammad's mother! "Ummm... I have to go Mrs. Iman. This was ... umm... something. Shukraan. Jazakillah."
"About the swalah you prayed and your answer, I think it means you should open up to your friends. Maybe your peace lies there. And sweetheart, I'm here for you. Always."

I got up and ran to the gate not sure where I was running to or whom I was running from. I ran right into Umar and being the brother I had come to love, he didn't ask what was wrong but instead he patted my back ever so lovingly and told me to let it all out.
"You want me to call Khawla and Nusaibah?" He asked and all I could do was nod as we walked hand in hand, him being my guide and me being the sheep lost in a pool of painful tears. I needed to find a way to tell my friends before they got home In Shaa Allah.

Assalamu Aleikum Warahmatullahy Wabarakatu,
I am beyond grateful for everything you guys have done. For the 200+ reads and the votes. For everyone who votes thank you! thank you! thank you! For the silent readers who don't vote, thank you also
This story means alot to me and your comments and DMs make me so happy.
The pic in this story is a post by @NajmaIbrahim98 and I related so much with it I had to share it.
.... THANK YOU .....

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