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Rayhannah and Khawla had heard a lot about a certain Faiz. He was at the orphanage every Saturday evening and Nusaibah had apparently promised him that he would definitely meet her best friends the coming Saturday. To say the least, Rayhannah and Khawla were over the top excited but Nusaibah kept repeating, 'Honestly, he's just a colleague! If anything was to happen, you guys would know.'

Saturday, at about 4 pm, Khawla phoned Rayhannah.

"I was just about to call you,"

"Haha. What are you wearing? The really big abayah right?"

"Yeah. You?"


"Haha. We are so petty! Ya Allah!"
But in fact, they weren't. Nusaibah was their other half and for her, they would go to the ends of the world.

After a light snack, the girls were directed to the playing room. Each was beyond tired for they had anticipated to see a Mr. Faiz but alas! He had cancelled on them. Salem had to be the most affected. He refused to eat anything as he cried to Nusaibah.

"Saturdays have always been my favorite day. Since you and Mr. Faiz are always here together. But then ..."

"Saleeeeeem! Come on mate. When did I ever leave you hanging."
Rayhannah and Khawla raised their gazes only to meet the one and only Faiz.

'Heck! He does deserve all the praise he's been getting,' Khawla whispered to Rayhannah who couldn't help but laugh.

"Assalamu Aleikum. I'm guessing you are Rayhannah and Khawla. Friends to Nusaibah."
They nodded. Nusaibah on the other hand was turning all shades of red as she held Salem to herself trying to stop him from crying.

"You could have at least called," she offered.

Khawla drifted off as she thought. Masha Allah! Thobe on a Saturday.

"Tell me about it!"
Khawla gasped.

"Yes Khawla. You said that out loud."

You needed to be there to see it all for yourself. How Faiz guarded Nusaibah and Salem as though they were family. But they did look like an ideal family. Faiz was caught stealing multiple glances and as though she was avoiding it, Nusaibah kept her eyes stuck on Salem. She was different here - Nusaibah. She seemed free and her laugh was more genuine, deeper! Her face was filled with nur! And her smile, well it was larger than life. And both her friends had realized that.

The girls stayed a little longer before Faiz offered to take them home to which they politely declined saying that Khawla would have all of them safe and sound at their respective homes.

"Well Nusaibah, till next time In Shaa Allah."

"In Shaa Allah."


"Fii Amanillah."
They walked quietly to the car as the girls ogled at Nusaibah.

"WHAT!?" she asked frustrated.
They shook their heads.

"No! Tell me. What!?"

"Nothing. Honest!" Rayhannah answered.

The rest of the ride home was a quiet one until Nusaibah got home.

"Please tell me you saw what I saw."

"Yeeeeeeeees!" Khawla answered, "But we are not rushing her. She'll talk at her own time."

"We are definitely having a joint wedding!"

"Honestly Rayhannah, cool down. Go study medicine!"
Khawla laughed as she steered her way out of Nusaibah compound.

When she finally got home, she found Muhammad sprawled on the living room carpet and she knew he had fallen asleep by mistake for the TV was on.

"MUHAMMAD! Rayhannah is here. Ruuuun!" He got up looking so confused and tried picking up things only he could see as he ran to his room leaving Khawla laughing her head off. She knew for sure that tomorrow he'd have his revenge but for now she'd enjoy her little show.

"Alhamdulillah," she sighed.

Two months later:
The girls were meeting up to take Nusaibah to the airport for she was about to start university. Muhammad, Umar, Khaleed, Faiz and Maryam had all already left. After unnecessary drama and a whole lot of tears were shed, she finally went to board her plane leaving Rayhannah and Khawla sitting there stranded.

"She likes Faiz. I forced it out of her."

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww my baby. Why hasn't she told me yet!?"

"She'll come around. Though still. I can't wait for all this to be halaal. For all of us. Like I think we've wasted enough time. Right after university you better tell Muhammad to come talk to baba."

"Hahaha! I will. In Shaa Allah. Though I don't think he needs a reminder."
As Rayhannah smiled like a fool all to herself Khawla thought, how will it be like? Having all her friends living their happy ever afters!?

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