Chapter One

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I sit on the hospital bed my knees up to my chest, clutching my sweet fragile baby girl. She had finally fallen asleep and was content. Nurse after nurse came in to check on me and Emma, I sit and answer every question that they ask me with a smile and my fake happiness, but as soon as they leave the room my smile vanishes and I return to my sullen mood. I have been in this hospital for two weeks, since I had a seizure in Biology in my last week in school. They wouldn't allow me to leave this hospital until I had Emma, then once I had her they wanted to keep us both under a watchful eyes. Now a week after Emma was born I am still in the hospital trying to figure out what to do. My parents had left me telling me to fend for myself, I grab my phone off the night table and unlock my I Phone, hoping my parents hadn't shut it off yet. Despite my luck the phone was still on, I took a deep breath and found my youth pastors wife, Abigail."Hello?" Noah, their oldest, answered "Hey kiddo is your mom home?" I asked Holding my composure. "Yea, she is outback watching the kids play in the pool." He said as loud gunshots sounded. "Can I please talk to her?" I ask taking a deep breath. "Yea sure." He said muffling the receiver. "Wyatt went to g get her." He said setting the phone down. "Hello?" I heard the soft kind voice of Abby and all broke loose. "Abby I really need you. Please come get me." I blubber into the phone. "Frankie, it's okay calm down. Where are you?" she asked her voice calm, as usual. "I am at Mercy General, please Abigail your my last hope." I said barley audible. "Why are you at the hospital?" she asked her voice getting concerned"I'm pregnant, or was pregnant. Please, it's a long story." I said wiping tears off of Emma's face. "Okay calm down, take deep breaths. I will be there in a few minutes I am headed out the door." She said "Okay, thank you Abby." I said hanging up the phone. I took in deep breaths and kissed my baby's forehead, I pulled my knees together and carefully set Emma on my knees. She squirmed but then calmed down and nested into my knees, I sighed and threw my head back hitting it hard against the wall. I let out a sharp yelp but then covered my mouth, tears welled up in my eyes and I squeezed them shut trying to stop them, and it worked, I ran my fingers under my eyes wiping the stray tears and composed myself.

Karen, my nurse walked in smiling, not exchanging any word she looked over my test results, looked over me then Emma then left, without a word. I sighed and closed my eyes, letting my head fall back lightly leaning against the wall. I get comfortable and take deep breaths, there was a knock on the door then movement. I opened my eyes enough to see Abby in the doorway. My eyes fly open and tears began flowing. "Abby." I say before I couldn't speak anymore. "Frankie, what happened?" She asked hugging me tight "I... just..." I stuttered on my words. "Take deep breaths, calm down it is all okay." She smiled bringing her purse on the bed. "Here." She said pulling out a pink and white polka dot sleeper "Thanks, I... just." I stammered. "It's okay, how about you get your princess dressed and then yourself, and then we can go." She smiled standing up. "Thanks." I sighed as she left. I sighed and put Emma on the bed, taking her out of her hospital issued outfit, I changed her diaper and gently put her in the sleeper, I look to the chair that Abby left and found a fuzzy pink blanket and a beanie. I put the beanie atop her head and wrapped the blanket around her. I moved Emma up on the bed and between the barriers hoping to keep her in. Abby had left me a pair of pink sweatpants, and a grey sweatshirt. I quickly strip and dressed in her over sized clothing, once I was dressed I climb back on the bed and held my baby close.

Abby came in with a light pink, white and black carrier with geometric flowers. I smiled at her kindness and stood up with Emma. I moved over to the carrier and set Emma down, strapping her in, and putting the blanket over the top of them. A nurse came in with a wheel chair and instructed me to sit, I sighed and sat down with the carrier on top of me. They wheeled me out of the hospital and into the parking garage. "Have you eaten?" she asked helping me put Emma's carrier in the car. "Yea." I said lied getting up. "Frankie." She sighed. "You are a bad liar." She said as the nurse took the wheel chair away. "I'm not hungry." I sigh. "You need to eat." She sighed helping me into her van."I promise I am not hungry." I said strapping myself in. "Fine, then let me call Preston and tell him about what's going on, we can get Noah and Wyatt moved into a room so you can have one." She said pulling her phone out and cocking her hip. "No, please don't tell him." I said on the verge of tears. "He needs to know." She said as the phone rang. "Please, not yet." I begged. "Fine, but I will let him know that he has to move the girls." She sighed as he answered the phone. I sighed and shut the car door, wanting to be alone, but I won't be alone for 18 years. I sighed as Abby got in the car, she started the car and backed out of the garage. She drove down the highway, across the bridge and down the road to her sister Audrey's house, I was confused and looked to Abigail. She smiled at me and parked her car behind her sisters, She got out and headed up to the house. She looked behind her and motioned me to come up, I sighed and got out of the car, unlocking the carrier and bringing it up to the door. "Hey Audrey I'm walking in." She called into the house. "Abs, we are in the back." She called. "I have Frankie with me." She called as we made out way to the back. "Oh, I love that girl." She said as we walked into the family room. "Hey Audrey." I smiled shifting my weight. "Oh my baby." She gasped. "She is precious." She cooed kneeling down. "Where is Cameron?" She asked wanting to get things done. "Getting things out of the shed." She smiled at Emma. "Thanks, I am going to help him so we can get them home." She said walking out to the back yard "Can I take her out and hold her?" She asked touching Emma's cheek. "Yea." I sighed setting the carrier down. "How did this happen?" She asked rocking Emma. "I'm not in the mood to talk about it." I said hugging myself. "Oh come on Frankie you can always talk to me." She said looking up to me. "You got drunk weren't thinking. One crazy night." She smiled . "Good girls can have a bad day once and awhile." She raised her eyebrows. "Audrey stop." I said getting angry "You can let loose." She said. "I need to go." I sigh. "Frankie I'm sorry." She said standing up "Give me Emma." I said holding my arms out. "Frankie." She said. "My baby." I demanded. "Please lets talk about this." She said handing me Emma. "Leave me alone." I said leaving the car seat

I hold Emma close and quickly walk back through the house and through the front door. I swing the car door open and climb in slamming the door behind me, I bring my knees up on the dashboard and hold Emma close. She squirms beneath me but then settles down nuzzling into my breast. Cameron backs out of the driveway and that means that soon Abby will return to the car. I pull out my phone and find my head phones, shoving them in my ears. I was right, Within a few minutes Abby was walking toward me with the baby carrier. She realized that I don't want to talk so she secures the carrier and takes Emma from me and straps her in the carrier. I pull the seat belt around me and stare out the window Abby drives home. I close my eyes wanting to escape everything, wanting everything to go back to normal. When the car stops I open my eyes and we are not at her house we are at the church. Abby gets out grabbing Emma's carrier out and starts towards the youth room, I take a deep breath and follow them. "Are you ready to tell me what is going on?" She asked shutting the door. "No." I whispered. "But I never will." I said hugging myself. "Well how about you try." She said sitting down on the couch. "I will try." I sighed sitting next to her bringing my knees to my chest. "Take your time." She smiled. I took a deep breath and began reliving the nightmare of my rape, and everything after that.

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