Chapter 10

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"Excuse me?" Abby said jumping up and looking me in the eyes. "I said I'm pregnant." I sat on the ground with Emma as if I didn't say anything."Frankie, you can't act as this isn't happening. Can you please explain this to me?" She said sitting next to me. "Kevin kidnapped me again, raped me again, and according to the doctor got me pregnant again." I said on the verge of tears."Frankie, you have to press charges." Abby said. "No, don't you understand? He will kill me, take my daughter." I said tears slipping. "He won't touch you." She said looking at me sadness in her eyes.  "No Abby, he will come back for me. He will." I said picking up Emma. "Okay, it's okay, hey, you hungry kiddo?" she asked standing up. "No. I am fine." I lied. "When is the last time you ate?" She asked looking me up and down. "I don't know" I said looking down "That's not healthy." She said giving me the mom look. "If I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry. I can't force myself to eat, I would puke." I said getting angry that she's doing this in front of everybody. She sighed and headed toward the kitchen. "Come in here and eat." She said heading through the door. I sighed and look up at Lyle, he slightly nodded and got down to his knees and playing with Emma. I hug my thinning body and headed into the kitchen. Abby was bent in the fridge putting the jelly away. She pulled out grapes and carrots and set them all on a plate and sat them at the table. She grabbed a two water bottles and sat at the table. She look at me and the table then back at me. I sigh and sit opposite of her at the table. "Eat." She said "I'm not hungry." I said pushing the plate away. "Frankie, you need to eat right know. I swear to our heavenly father Frankie, you need to Eat." She said yelling at me. "I'm sorry." I said shrinking into the chair wanting to cry.

I shrunk into the chair and tried to force down the sandwich, I was only able to stomach half the sandwich and a few grapes before I felt as if I was going to throw up. I drank some water to wash it down and picked up a carrot. Abby sat at the table slowly sipping her water, I took a bite of the carrot but couldn't stomach it, I excused myself to the rest room and threw up all the food. I brushed my teeth flushed the toilet and went back out of the table, which had been cleared of food, I grabbed the water and went back outside to see Emma. Lyle was sitting on the porch swing with Emma who was laughing. "Hey baby girl, want to go bye-bye?" I said picking her up. "Where are you going?" Lyle asked following me inside. "Leave me alone Lyle. I just want to spend time with my daughter." I said grabbing Emma's diaper bag and shoving it under her stroller. "Frankie, come on you need to take a breath and calm down." He said trying to reason with me. "I am fine. I just want to get out with Emma, she shouldn't be cooped up all day, everyday." I said strapping her into the stroller. "Frankie." Lyle said as I opened the door. "Lyle, leave me alone." I said making sure I had everything and shut the door. I made it three blocks before a car pulled up next to me, I didn't bother looking over to see who was following me, before anybody could talk to me I saw a trail and took it. Not knowing where I was going I followed the trail and ended up across town by the river. I smiled and pulled out Frankie's pink blanket, I unstrapped her and set her on the blanket with toys. I laid down next to her and played with her she giggled and played back. "Frankie." Preston said. "Hey." I said sitting up and looking at him. "Come on kiddo lets get you back home." He said picking up toys. "No, we are having a good time, she is having fun." I said giving Emma her toys back. "I will come back later. I promise." I said playing with Emma. "Frankie you need to come back know. Okay, now." He said picking everything up and taking the stroller and going toward the parking lot.

I sighed and grabbed Emma and her blanket, I followed Preston and put Emma on my lap and strapped in. Preston drove back to the house, I ignored everybody and went back to my bedroom. I fed Emma and gave her the pacifier, Once she was asleep I kissed her forehead and put her in her crib. "Frankie." Lyle said coming in. "Sorry about earlier." I said feeling like an Asshole. "Nothing will come between my love for you." He said sitting next to me on the bed. "I'm sorry." I said tears slipping. "Don't be." He said gripping my chin. He lifted my chin and leaned in to kiss me, I smiled and kissed him back. He pushed me back onto the bed and began kissing me, he put his hands under my shirt I pulled back and turned on my side. He wrapped his arms around me and looked me in the eyes. I smiled and snuggled up next to him. My body curved in next to him and I drifted out to sleep happy and peaceful.

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