Chapter Five

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My heart stopped as the lady walked over to me followed by Preston, I didn't even try to put on a smile to let them know that I was okay, because I wasn't and ddn't want to talk to her. I sat down in the back row of chairs and took deep breaths to try and calm myself down. "Hi I am Jamie, can we talk?"She asked smiling at me. "Hum." I stuttered looking to Preston. "This isn't a very appropriate time." He said  "Well, this is when I am going to talk to her." She said turning to me "Is there a place that we can go?" She asked. "Yea you can go to the youth room." Preston said handing me the keys. "Okay, I am going to grab something from my car." She said smiling. "Don't worry she can't do anything. You have a safe home environment, and people loving and caring for you."He said hugging me. "Love you girl" He sad kissing the side of my head. I took the keys and went outside and waited for Jamie after a few seconds she came around the corner. I sighed and went back to the youth room shutting the door as she came in. I went over and sat in the large comfy chair and hug my knees to my chest. The social worker looked over me and tried to analyze me. I sighed and looked away. "How are you doing?" She asked  I just stared at her. "Well, it says here that you have a baby girl." She smiled. "And it says that you are living on the streets." She said looking for any sign of life. "No." I simply said "No what darling?" She asked pushing "I am not living on the streets, I have a home, I have a loving family." I said tears rolling down my cheeks. "Well, we were informed that you don't that your parents kicked you out." She said confused. "I am living with my youth pastor and his family, they love me and will care for Emma." I said sobbing softly. "We will need to do a home check to make sure that you aren'y lying to us, and that you have the necessary items to raise a baby." She said scribbling something down. "Can I go know" I sobbed. "Yes darling." she said I immediately got up and went into the sanctuary where Lyle, Laura, and Rose practiced. I went to the back row, in the corner and curled myself into a ball. I rocked myself and tried to catch my breath but I just couldn't. Ben got up but was met by Jamie, they talked, she handed him a card and them she left. I tried to control myself but I couldn't. "Frankie do you need Abby  to come get you?" He asked softly. "I... Uh..." I stuttered. I couldn't breath. "Here lets go outside." He said turning to the group. "Lyle come help me, Laura grab a chair."He said as he draped my arm over my shoulder. "What happened?" Lyle asked helping me out. "That damn social worker." Preston said setting me down in the chair. "Does she need anything?" Lyle asked grabbing my hand. "Water, and a cold washcloth." Preston said kneeling by me."Abby is going to come get you." He said pulling out his phone. "No, I am fine, I'm not going to let this get into my way." I said confident. "Are you sure?" He asked looking at me. "I am sure, I am fine. She can't push me down and keep me down." I said getting up and going back inside.

I sat in the back and watched everybody flow in, and mingle. Not to many people payed much attention to me, they didn't notice me I was in the shadow curled up in the corner. With ten minutes before youth group Lyle came over and sat by me. I didn't want t talk so he just sat there next to me and brought me into a hug. I didn't fight it I let him embrace me, I relaxed into him and got comfortable. But soon he had to go back for prayer, I sighed and went up and took my seat. Once youth group had started it went by fast, like I blinked and then it was over. Once it was officially over Lyle  invited everybody over for a fun night, I sighed and stood up walking outside and getting air. "Hey kiddo." Lyle smiled heading to his car. "Hey, I am going to walk?" I said shifting my weight. "No your not." He said unlocking his car. "Your going to ride with Lyle and Laura." He smiled at me. "Okay." I sighed heading back to find Lyle. "Hey" Lyle smiled at me front the stage. "Hey." I smiled back. "Preston said to give you a ride." He smiled. "Great." I smiled. "When are we leaving?" I asked wanting to get out of here."In just a minute, I have to finish putting this stuff away." He  smiled up at me. "Okay, well I am going to wait outside." I said moving outside. I sighed and took a deep breath of air as I walked outside. I leaned against the wall and slid down pulling my knee's to my chest. One by one everybody slowly walked out of the church, and last but not least was Lyle. He helped me up and walked me to the car, I got in and he shut the door behind me. Once the car stopped I got out and headed inside, everything was dark and I got frustrated I just wanted to relax, I was going to skip out on the 'party' tonight, but as I entered the family room everybody smiled and jumped up startling me but a smile spread across my face and I froze in place. "Surprise." Claire smiled. "You guys." I smiled. "You didn't have to." I smiled. "But we did." Lyle smiled appearing fro behind. "You had nothing and we love you." Erin said smiling. "You guys." Is all I could say tears trickling down my face. "Sit." Abby demanded. "Time to open gifts." She smiled handing me Emma.

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