Chapter 1

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Art by snowleoparddragon999.

What to do, what to do, what to do...?

Kinkajou was curled up in the Jade Winglet cave, tapping her claws on the stone. It's so boring!

The RainWing's head shot up hopefully as dragon footsteps sounded outside in the hallway. A moment later, a SandWing with an amber earring strutted in.

"Hey! Qibli!" Kinkajou yelped, jumping up and scrambling over to him.

Qibli blinked in surprise. "Hi, Kinkajou. What are you doing here?"

Kinkajou shifted her wings. "It's so boring, so I've been waiting for someone to come!"

Qibli shrugged. "What do you want to do, then?"

Kinkajou thought for a moment, then bounced up and down excitedly with bubblegum pink flashing through her bright yellow scales.

"I know, I know, I know!" Kinkajou sang, flaring her ruff in excitement. "We'll get Moon, Winter, and Turtle and the Dragonets of Destiny and play Truth or Dare!"

Qibli made a huff between amusement and surprise. "Aaaaahh! Kinkajou! You're making me blind! You're brighter than the desert sun right now!" He laughed.

"Oops," Kinkajou turned her scales into a calming lavender color. "Better?"

Qibli grinned. "Much better."

"Then let's go get our friends!" Kinkajou squealed, running past Qibli and into the hallway.

Qibli smiled and followed Kinkajou, running down the hallway. "I know Moon's in the library with Starflight. Turtle might be down by the underground lake, probably with Tsunami. I heard Winter's in the Prey Center. Clay will be in the Prey Center. I think Sunny's helping Starflight sort scrolls." he called.

Kinkajou bounced towards the library, which was the closest. Moon was reading a scroll quietly at a table. She looked up, surprised, as Kinkajou flapped in.

Sunny was carrying a pile of returned scrolls towards Starflight, who was slowly feeling the marks on different scrolls on a rack before placing them back onto a certain shelf. The blind NightWing's ears pricked. "Kinkajou? Is that you?"

Kinkajou beamed. "Yep! Moon! Want to play Truth or Dare?"

Moon placed her scroll to the side. "Um... sure?" she smiled and handed her scroll back to Starflight. "Thanks, Starflight."

Sunny blinked her gray-green eyes. "Hey, mind if I join you guys?"

Kinkajou jumped up and down. "SURE!"

Sunny set down the pile of scrolls, then brushed Starflight's shoulder gently with a claw. "Come on, Starflight. These scrolls can wait. We can sort them later today, or maybe tomorrow."

Starflight set down the scroll he was holding and nodded. "Alright."

It took them a while to gather all the dragonets in the Jade Winglet and the Dragonets of Prophecy. Winter had been in the Prey Center, crossly gnawing on a fish and a moose carcass. Clay was trying to stop all the chickens from running around, though it was less chaotic since there were less dragonets there. Most dragonets were in their caves or somewhere else in the mountain, since it was the weekend and they were enjoying some rest.

Turtle was splashing around in the underground lake, with Tsunami practicing her Aquatic. Anemone was swimming as well. Both of them helped teach Tsunami some more Aquatic.

Finally, after a while, they'd managed to gather Moon, Turtle, Winter, Sunny, Starflight, Clay, and Tsunami. They'd offered Anemone to join them, but she declined the offer, telling them that she had promised to visit Webs so he could help her catch up on history.

And so the games began.

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