Chapter 3

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Art by unknown, someone from Deviantart

It was Qibli's turn to ask someone, 'truth or dare'.

The SandWing grinned, his eyes darting around the dragons, and finally he pointed at Winter. "Winter, truth or dare?"

The IceWing looked startled for a moment, and his expression clearly read, What? Me? Already? Then, a split second later, his face hardened and he narrowed his eyes. He puffed out his chest proudly and held his head high and his chin up. "Dare," he hissed clearly. I am an IceWing. An IceWing warrior. I will pick dare.

Qibli declared, "Winter, I dare you to..." he leaned closer and whispered into the IceWing's ear: "I dare you to tell Moon you love her."

Winter crossed his front talons and huffed. "But what if I don't?" he growled. He still didn't see the point of this silly game for dragonets. Maybe lazy RainWings or floppy SeaWings or fat MudWings would play this game... but an IceWing warrior? No! Never!

Qibli showed his teeth as he grinned at Winter again. "That's the point," he chuckled. "Plus, it's a dare, and you only get to pass twice."

Winter huffed haughtily. Me? An IceWing warrior , turn down a dare? He let out a snort of disbelief. "A dragon who passes a dare is a coward."

The other dragonets were leaning forward in anticipation. They hadn't heard what the dare was yet. Qibli shifted his wings smugly, his amber earring catching the torchlight and glowing.

Winter's talons began to shake, but he crossed them in front of his chest to make sure the others couldn't see them quake. He took a deep breath, glaring at the other dragons, then stalked over to Moon.

The NightWing looked startled for a moment after realizing she was the subject of the second dare as well. Winter scowled and choked out the words as if they were a jagged ball of ice.

"I-I love you."

Kinkajou squealed, her yellow scales turning a bright, eye-melting pink. She flapped her wings excitedly. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH..." she trilled.

"Shut up," Winter snapped, stomping back to his spot next to annoying Qibli. "It was the dare." He glowered at them all and whipped his tail furiously, the icicle-like spikes on them clattering. He sat down, narrowing his arctic blue eyes and snapping his teeth at Qibli.

Sunny looked amused. The stunted SandWing blinked with her wierd, mossy green eyes. "Winter, it's your turn to give someone a truth or a dare." she suggested.

Winter shot Qibli a glare full of daggers. If only I could pick HIM. Then I could give him a foul dare or a jaw-droppingly revealing question. Qibli grinned right back at him, which made him even grumpier.

"Turtle," he grumbled, "truth or dare?"

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