The Judger

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Alex's birthday is on 12th of August.He turns 15.For more than a year he wanted a Harley Davidson motorbike ,but his mother couldn't afford one.On his birthday party, his mom gave him an envelope from Alexander's father, Lemmy.On the envelope was written :"DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOU ARE 15!!".That was the right moment to open it .He went to his room and opened it .
Inside he found a note with an address and a key.He went there and found a motorbike.Before dying,Lemmy bought him a Harley Davidson Roadster 2013 motorbike.On one side of fuel tank was painted "TheJudger"and on the other side was inscribed an "poem "that sounded like that :
"Eeny meny mainy moe
Catch your "fathers"by the hoe.
Ride alone just you and him ,
Till' you rip apart their skin !
Don't you worry about the cops
Just ride lonely when night drops!"

He took it to the service and made a revision.The mechanics said that the motorbike was brand-new and all it needed is some fuel.Then he took it to the police to make some paperwork.The police station chief recognized Alex and the motorbike and talked to him.Lemmy was one of chief's best friends.
-Do what you need to do !We have your back !said the chief to Alex.
Alexander left the police station terrified and pensively.

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