Chapter 12: Total Luck

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Time passes by soooo fast, AGAIN. It's the second week of September and the results finally arrived!!!!

3rd Year Level


Alexander Grant Lizardo
St. Anna Schaffer

Ryan Mangubat
St. Carmen Salles y Barangueras


Gwyneth Bongo
St. John Baptist Piamarta

Trecia Erana
St. Carmen Salles y Barangueras


I wasn't able to watch the screening because it started in the late afternoon. And with 10 pairs or 20 representatives per year level, it would really take more than an hour to narrow down the official contestants of the Mr. & Ms. Agham. Technically, I pity Gwen a bit because she has this tomboyish streak. Doesn't like makeup and dresses. She's very pretty, actually, with her natural honey brown locks and pinkish white skin. The freckles on her cheeks just blend with her face. It's quite a waste of God's beauty and brain given to her.

For Grant, well, he really belongs in contests like these because his God-given gifts of beauty and brain is such a captivating sight! Okay, back to the real topic. Since you see that Mangubat and Erana came from the same section, then they'll still be partners in the finals while Lizardo and Bongo are left to be paired together... OMG!!!! This is something I gotta watch out for!!!!

"Hey Gwyneth! Congrats on your new endeavor!", I shouted as she passed by the hall.

"Faith, I'm not deaf!", she jokingly shouted back.

"I know!!", I struggled to reply while I was starting to laugh.

"Well, is that okay with you Faith?", she asked when I was already near.

"What are you trying to say Gwen?", I wondered.

"Is it okay for you that I will be partners with Grant in the competition?"

"Gwen, don't be ridiculous! It's perfectly okay with me. And because of you, you opened the door of opportunity to me!", I beamed.

"Okay, okay Faith! Whatever you say! You better thank me for that someday!", she said as she was walking to our classroom.

I didn't feel like going back to the classroom so I walked on to the stairwell and passed by the Guidance Office. We high school students don't always get to stay in air conditioned rooms in the 50 hours a week that we stay in school. Elementary kids in SPCPS got that privilege (I also did three years ago in STI Academy). But since Second Year, our batch gets to have a chat with our supermodel bodied guidance counselor, Ms. Denise.

"Good morning Miss!", I greeted her after knocking the door.

"Really is a good morning, Faith! Please come in."

She wasn't the only one to greet me. The cold air brushed my face as I went in.

"So, how are you and Chris?", she asked with a sly grin. Ugh, not that topic again Miss.

"Going nowhere.", I huffed, crossing my arms.

"Are you sure?", Miss Denise said. Then the phone rang. "Excuse me."

She picked up the receiver and chatted away. "Good morning! SPCPS Guidance Center! Oh hello, Sir Ryle!"

I cringed at the sound of his name.

She continued, "Yes sir. I am available. Will I go down to the Computer Lab-you'll just get some exercise?"

Oh no. I'm doomed.

"Are you sure sir! I can just go downsta-well, if you insist!", she ended with a cheery note.

"I can go if you want Miss.", I said as I stood up from my seat.

"You can stay Faith. I'm sure we'll not be talking about confidential stuff.", she beamed.

I sighed in defeat and went back to my chair. I feel like a convict waiting for my interrogation. At least it's in an air conditioned room and soon, the bell will release me.

"Good morning Miss!", a voice very familiar to me said. "And this is unexpected. Hello there Faith. Do you have any problems lately?"

"She's just chilling out with me sir.", Ms. Denise said as she lifted her eyes from her laptop's monitor.

"Oh. Well, here are my files.", Sir said when he handed his folders to Miss.

"Thank you, Sir.", she beamed.

"Are you sure you're just chilling here?", Sir teasing asked me.

"Yes I am. Though I feel that I can be some entertainment to both of you.", I sneered.

"No, no, no.", Sir calmly said. "We just want to play matchmaker, I mean adviser for you. One of your classmates came to the Computer lab for that kind of problem."

"Not again. I'm obviously smart enough to know who that it."

Sir sat beside me and said, "Come on Faith! Please give him another chance. He told me you told him once that you believed in him. But what happened to all that you have been through? You just thrown it away with just four words."

"I tried, Sir. I really did. But I can't help but doubt his intentions. He doesn't understand when I ask him if he ever saw me as a friend at first. I don't want to have feelings for someone who only saw me as a love interest!"

Finally, Ms. Denise butted in. "We understand if that's how you feel. But please give Chris some slack. He's already having a hard time, you know."

I retaliated, "But it doesn't excuse him from acting like this towards me! I need a life!"

Sir Ryle said, "And it is not a valid excuse to physically, verbally and emotionally hurt him!"

I heard Ms. Denise gasp.

"It's not that bad anyway.", I huffed.

"Not that bad? Almost every time he visits me in the lab, I notice his red cheeks and arms. He always tells me that it's nothing-"

"Then why didn't you listen to him?"

"Because I don't believe that it's nothing Faith Anderson!", Sir nearly shouted as he stood up from his seat. Miss told him to sit down again.

"I cannot believe that you are this stubborn. You are an excellent student. Many teachers say so. But this", Miss gestured, "this is not acceptable! I am not going to force you to change in any way, but please be merciful to Chris."

"Please listen to us, Faith.", Sir said as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "He is already scarred for life with his family. Don't make his situation any worse. We promise that we will not inform anybody about this but I can assure, Faith, that if you lay a hand on Christian again, I will certainly give you a D on your deportment."

I nodded, knowing now that these guys certainly have a very strong concern for the two of us. The bell rang and Miss said, "Well, it is quite a good timing that you are here today." I gave her a weak smile as Sir opened the door for me and left the room.

A. N. Up top, Andi Eigenmann as Gwyneth Bongo! Just imagine once again that she has freckles on her cheeks, okay? Okay.

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