Episode one.

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episode 1
I have written growing up
But this is different
Waiting for your views readers.

People fall in love. But have you
ever heard people falling out of
it? Well, unfortunately I'm falling
out of it. Accelerating out of it. I
once looked at this guy wayne anthony, my now husband and
used to go weak on my knees.
Now when I look at him, mostly,
my knees want to make him weak
at the balls. Its strange. Really
strange. We were so in love. And
now we just want to tear each
other's face off our skulls. And
we don't even know the reason
behind it. And whats the worst
part in situations like these, is
your high school reunion. An
entire night of pretending.
Pretending that i still love my
husband and he still loves me
back. I do maybe love him,
maybe! But I'm sure that he
doesn't. Our house once used to
be messy because we couldn't
stay apart from each other. Now
it stays clean for weeks because
all we do, is stay apart from each
other. We have dinner separately.
We rarely talk. Only when the
grocery has been finished or
when the bill's overdue. Oh and
when there are parties like these.
"Are you ready?" His deep voice
startles me and pulls me out from
my chain of thoughts. He stares
at me from a distance and I eye
his reflection in the mirror.
The ruffled hair has been pulled
behind and allowed to set. The
informal outfit he wears has been
replaced by a freshly ironed black
three piece suit. He is wearing a
rado watch which I had gifted him
and the cologne which I hate the
most. Well he has to contradict
me every time.
"Will you answer me or just look
at me like a nutcrack?"
"Yeah you wait in the car ill be
out in a minute."
He sighs and cocks his eyebrows
up and leaves by murmuring
under his breath. Now I pay
attention to myself. I'm wearing
black too. A black satin onepiece
with the neckline working all the
way upto my collarbone. Im
wearing a silver pendant with
Pauline written on it. A gift from
him and to contradict him, I'm
wearing deep red lipstick.
He hates me in red lipstick.
After running a hand through my
already ironed hair and the horn
blaring outside I hurry outside to
see him sitting in his black SUV.
Well I don't have any other
option. But I hate the way he
drives so carelessly. Especially
when I'm there with him.
I sit in the passengers seat put
my seatbelt on.
"Lets go. And get it over with."
I say with a sigh.
"I so hate you,babe." He says
"Trust me darling. I feel the
same. Lets leave. Please. Your
dumb car is giving me a
He said something like
"ungrateful bitch" and started the
car. I didn't respond because I
don't want to go to the reunion
with bruises on my skin and his
three piece turned into pieces.

Watch out for episode 2

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