Chapter 5

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He twisted and turned before he spun around to face the window that looked on the outside and staring right back at them, with his face stuck to the glass and his phone pressed to his ear, was Jungkook, who was now waving madly at them from the outside.



JIMIN: Oh my god...

Swallowing the remaining of his food, Yugyeom turned to you with a questioning stare.

YUGYEOM: Who's he?

JIMIN: My brother. I'm gonna go talk to him.

You were surprised when he grabbed your hand and pulled you along as he got up from his chair.

When you got outside, Jungkook greeted you both with a bright smile. His bunny teeth made him look like an adorable baby.

YOU: So cute...

JIMIN: You said something Y/N?

YOU: Nope.

JIMIN: What are you doing here, Jungkook? Didn't I leave you playing games at home?

JUNGKOOK: Did you expect me to play the whole day?

JIMIN: You've done it before.

JUNGKOOK: One time!

JIMIN: Doesn't change that you still did it.

JUNGKOOK: Whatever. Hey Y/N!

YOU: Hey Jungkook!

JUNGKOOK: Were you guys having lunch? Because I'm starving.

JIMIN: Yeah, we were having lunch. Wanna join us?

You looked at Jimin, shocked, for the sole reason that he invited Jungkook to eat with them after sulking the minute Yugyeom joined us.

He took your hand in his and gave it a slight squeeze, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

What is he up to?

JUNGKOOK: Really? Great!

JIMIN: Yeah, just go on ahead and sit where you saw us, right Infront of Y/N's cousin, Yugyeom. I need to speak to Y/N about something and as soon as we're finished, we'll join you guys.

Without thought or hesitation, Jungkook gave you guys anther bright smile and shouted a big 'okay!' over his shoulder as he walked inside to join Yugyeom at the table.

Jimin started mumbling to himself. Something along the lines of 'yes' 'thats it' and 'finally'.

YOU: Jimin, what are you...

Grabbing your arm, Jimin took off up the street, giggling to himself while you tried to keep up with his pace.

YOU: Jimin-ah! Where are we going?!

He slowed down to a stop, a little breathless and smiled at you while gesturing to the building to his right.

JIMIN: Here.

'Beauty and Seoul Dog Cafe'

YOU: A dog cafe?

He nodded his head in excitement, a wide grin spread across his adorable face.

JIMIN: You wanna go inside? I promise their food is great...

You chuckled lightly before you nodded your head and reached for his hand.

YOU: Let's go

You pushed open the door and heard the bell 'ding' signalling to anyone inside, that someone just entered.

The Coffee Stranger - BTS Jimin FF (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now