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Author's Note: Greetings everyone! For the first time on my Wattpad, I'll submit a crossover fanfiction between My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic and Slender:The Eight Pages. This one will be different, because Mane 6 will be humans and will make their appearance on Earth, a world that is totally different from their dear Equestria. Hope you guys will enjoy the story, and stay tuned for the next chapters! :D


We all know that Equestria is a land full of joy, love and friendship and that everything that lives here depends on magic, in one way or another. Even the simple phenomena like the rise of the Sun and the Moon are conducted by the magic of the two Royal Sisters: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Despite all the bright sides of this magical territory, nopony knew about the links to other worlds that were totally different from what was known in their own. Although the Royal Sisters were the only ones aware of these worlds through dimensional mirrors, they never managed to keep the balance in them. Celestia had always been curious about only one world, though; it was a world where the hopelessness, hatred and fear were pushing the limits of desperation. Who knew what troubled those places? The elder princess always wanted to find out, but she never had the chance, considering that her duties to her subjects were very important...

One day, while Princess Celestia was wandering through the halls of the castle, a sudden thought caught her mind for a short time: what if she sent somepony to that world and they reported to her everything wrong there? It would be more convenient, indeed. But there was an issue: not everypony was allowed to enter that world, especially when they weren't prepared enough. So she remembered her faithful student, Twilight, and her friends; they were the most suitable choice for her objectives.


One week later

"Hurry up, Spike! I'm gonna be late!" Twilight yelled with a slight panic.

"I'm coming, Twilight! Just a moment, so I can pack all the things!"

The pony trotted with impatience, while waiting for her dragon assistant to come downstairs. Her friends were waiting for them outside, also impatient in their own ways. (particularly Pinkie Pie, who started jumping all around)

"Are you done yet?" Twilight yelled.

Spike came down the stairs in a hurry with his bag, and left the library in no time, followed by his silghtly annoyed unicorn friend.

"Come on Twilight! We've been standing here for more than five minutes! We gotta catch the train!" said Rainbow Dash with utter rashness, just like usual.

"I'm sorry...but you know that the luggage needs to be checked at least five times" Twilight excused with a hilarious seriousness.

"Oh, darling, you and your amazing sense of organization!" Rarity chuckled. "Now, shall we go?"

"Absolutely-dudley!" Pinkie Pie said with a cheerful tone while bouncing once more.

The six ponies and the small dragon got into the train at the last minute; the vehicle puffed and steamed noisily around, announcing its road to Canterlot.


(In the train – dialogue only)

Rainbow Dash: So, what are princess Celestia's intentions with us, Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: From what I remember, she told me about a small journey to another world. She needs to find out more about it, but she can't leave Equestria so easily.

Rarity: Oooh, a new world, you say? I wonder if the cratures out there love fashion as much as ponies do...

Fluttershy:...Or if there are more cute critters than here...

Pinkie Pie: *cheerfully* OR PARTIES! With even more confetti, and ballons, and cakes! Oh, and silly games!

Applejack: Let's not dream that much, fellas! It might be just the same as dear ol' Equestria!

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know about you all, but I'm mostly interested in their culture and their way to live. It might be something entirely new, after all...

Rainbow Dash: I hope it's not a world full of nasty creatures, because I really need a break after the last time...

Twilight Sparkle: I understand how you feel; after that intense battle against the Changelings, I truly hope that our new destination won't give us too much trouble...

(While the girls continued their conversation about the other world, Twilight looked out the window, thoughtful about all the events that might occur.)


(At the castle)

"Greetings, my dear ponies!" Celestia said with a welcoming tone.

"Good afternoon, princess! Ah, I'm so glad that we meet again! So, about the new world..." Twilight paused with a deep curiosity.

"I do not know that much about it, my student, except that its name is Earth..."

The girls were in awe. "EARTH?"

"Yes. That's why I want to send you there; to collect more information about it. I never had contact with the beings that roam over there, but let's hope that they will not be too hostile. As for where you'll live, I made sure that you will blend in no time"

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash intrerrupted, but not impolitely. "And, when will we go?"

The Princess of the Sun chuckled. "Well, if you don't feel like waiting more, you can all go right now"

Fluttershy muttered softly: "Yay!" and Spike was very enthusiastic: "Alright, off we go!"

"Spike, wait!" Princess Celestia called. "I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid you cannot go with Twilight this time"

"Why not?" he asked, almost tearing up.

"It is already quite dangerous to bring a new species there, I cannot risk bringing two different species; it might disrupt the balance between Earth and Equestria" Celestia explained.

"Aw, I understand...then it means that this is it, right?"

"Not at all, silly!" Twilight replied. "We will pay a visit from time to time, in case we have to stay longer" She hugged her small friend tightly, along with the other ponies.

"Just, take care of yourselves, okay?" Spike said with a remaining tear in his eye.

"You bet we will!" Rainbow Dash finished with confidence in her voice.

Celestia smiled at these acts of true friendship, then called: "This way, my dear ponies..." She led them to a small room in the castle, where a beautifully-crested silver mirror was situated right in the center. While performing an unusual magic spell, the mirror started glimmering, opening a portal to the new world called Earth. Mane 6 went through the portal one by one.

"Be careful, Twilight! Remember that you need to send me a report each week, and if you notice anything out of ordinary, don't hesitate to come back and tell me!"

"Don't worry, princess! I'll do my best!" Twilight promised while vanishing in the bright light of the portal.

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