Chapter 1 - Accomodation

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry for updating so late, but here it is! The first chapter! Hope you'll enjoy seeing Mane 6 in our human habitat XD Let's see how they'll manage it! 


A loud thud was heard. Mane six found themselves in what seemed like a small, dark room. The space felt tight between them.

"Wh...Where are we?" Twilight asked, blindly struggling to make her way through her friends' limbs. "Girls, are you here?"

"Yeah, Twilight. Kinda crushed, but fine" Rainbow Dash confirmed. "Better ask, what are we? Because I don't feel myself at this moment..."

"Let me see if there's a way out..." Twilight's limbs felt weird when she moved, like she was on sticks; with all her efforts, she touched something that seemed like a door knob. Her new members made it difficult to open the door and get out, but she finally managed. The unicorn tripped and fell on the floor; it felt rough.

"This is strange..." she muttered.

Meanwhile, Rarity rose to stand on her feet and turned around to look in the mirror. When she saw her reflection, she gasped in awe. She wasn't a pony anymore, but a being with two long legs and other two members with...claws? Her skin was a light shade of peach instead of white and her face was totally different, she noted as she patted it; it lacked the nuzzle, but there were other new features instead. Rarity descended her upper extremities to the chest and squeezed the two mounds of flesh on it. This felt even weirder to her.

"What are those?" she asked, completely puzzled by the sight of her new body parts.

"I don't know, let me see if there's a library...Ah, here we go..." Twilight replied. She struggled to rise from the floor and stand up while approaching the small bookshelves in the wall near her; squinting her now small eyes at the titles, she noticed a book titled: "Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy by Jonathan D. Spratt & Co.". Twilight stared at the book for a second, then tried to pick it up with her little long 'branches'.

"Sweet Celestia, how can I even open it without magic? Or at least a nuzzle..."

After a while, she finally figured it out; she had to pick two of her bony extremities in order to turn the pages of the book. Twilight took a look on each of the pages with beautifully-colored illustrations and essential information about this weird species called 'human'...species to which she and her friends belonged at this moment, it seemed.

"Girls, I found something! We are some beings called...humans. Seems like they're the inhabitants of Earth. And that's what the princess meant when she said that 'we'll blend in' "

"Humans? What kind of sorcery is this?" Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Well, get over here if you wanna know more! Here, let me show you how humans walk..."

Twilight applied the new theories on her friends, and taught them how to walk and keep their balance while standing up. The six girls spent the entire night doing research on the humans' complicated anatomy, structure and customs.They learnt that the long extremities that grew out of their 'hooves' are called 'fingers', and that they have many uses, like picking up objects and writing. They also learnt about the physiology of the human body, like its stages of development: baby, child, teenager, adult and elder. From what Twilight read, she placed herself and the others in the 'teenager' category, considering that wrinkles weren't present on their faces, and they looked too mature to be children.

"How old are we, I wonder?" she asked. "If we are teenagers, it seems that we also study in a school or something. Right?"

"I suppose, darling" Rarity shrugged. "Why not ask the locals about it?"

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