Chapter 2 - Dark rumours

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Author's note: My God, I procrastinated so much lately, that it's been almost two months since I posted the last chapter XD My apologies! Hope I won't be that much of a lazy shit next time, because the next chapters will be the most intense of all :D Enjoy for now!


         The girls found the principal's office in no time; luckily, there was a sign, because the door looked like it was camouflaged within the entire high school, almost the same as a secret chamber, where nobody is allowed to walk into.

"So, who's going to knock?" Pinkie asked, feeling slightly uneasy.

Twilight sighed. "I will do's my duty to finish this task after all," she continued in a dramatic tone.

"The door won't bite, you know?" Rainbow Dash added, amused by her friend's unreasonable anxiety.

Twilight glared at her teasing remark, then turned back to the door. She knocked slowly, almost silently. When she was starting to think no one was there, a voice called from inside:

"Come in!"

The youngster startled a little, then took a deep breath and opened the door with her small, trembling hands.

"Good morning, Sir. We're the new students that transferred here recently, and we have some questions to ask, if it's alright..." Twilight said nervously, almost staring at the man in front of her.

Xavier Barnes, the principal of 'Waukesha South High School', was different from most humans; his skin tone was significantly darker, and he had distinct features unlike the others: thick lips, a wide nose bridge and baldness. Still, his expression showed a hint of kindness and good intentions towards all of the students, even the new ones.

"Yes, of course! You can call your friends in as well!" the principal answered with a calm tone.

The teenager called the others to come inside the office . One by one, they filled the room in no time.

"Please, take some seats," the principal kindly invited them.

Almost everyone found a few chairs to sit down, except Rainbow Dash and Applejack, but they didn't seem to mind.

"Alright, girls, so what are the questions that you need to address me? Do you wish to request a tour of the school, or your timetables, perhaps?"

"Yes, we need those too, but we also...want to see our transfer files...if you have them, of course..." Twilight pointed out.

"I just received them this morning. I didn't actually get the chance to have a look at them and approve them...but considering that you're all here at this moment, we'll discuss them together, shall we?"

"Of course!" Twilight approved.

"Alright, then; let's see yours first..." he said while taking a folder from the drawer and opened it to find a multitude of papers that described their new human identities. Twilight peeked on the documents, fully astonished and confused at the same time; how was it possible that they managed to disguise themselves without any effort? Did Princess Celestia take care of all the details, or is it a phenomenon that usually happens during interdimensional travels? Either way, she was relieved that the humans didn't sense anything out of the ordinary.

Meanwhile, the principal started reading the papers aloud:

"Name is Tara Sparkle, born on 15th September 1997; says here that you were a straight-A student at your former school; congratulations on your performance, and I hope you will achieve the same results in our school!"

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