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Okay. here's the Background story. 

"Racism isn't just for the elderly. Recently, showing a white student getting knocked down by a black classmate after reportedly running off at the mouth. Mad that he lost the quick skirmish the long-haired boy got up and yelled, "See you in juvie, b***h!". The black kid, who knocked down his mad classmate, didn't decide to retaliate upon hearing the comment. However, as the white kid angrily stormed out, he decided to follow up his comment by yelling, "f***ing n****r!"

Now, his cowardliness is pretty HILARIOUS. They way he runs screaming for help after starting a fight he KNEW he couldn't finish...but, it does disturb me that racist staements and racial slurs can roll off the tongue of human beings with such ease...it's sickening.

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