Loved Too Late

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"Hello", a simple monotone greeting,

Merely politeness as time is fleeting,

A glance, a nod, but nothing more,

As the moment ends, I'm out the door.

"Hello", a voice no louder than a whisper,

I raised my head, I realise that I've missed her,

Her long brown hair that falls in waves,

Her perfect smile, her gentle gaze.

"Hello", a short and curt reply,

I mustn't fall, I need to try,

She walks away, her smile has faded,

And as she leaves, my heart's left deflated.

"Hello", a memory of her face,

My cheeks wet from tears of disgrace,

In my despair I hear a knock,

My feet drag me to undo the lock.

"Hello", she greets me once again,

I stand in shock, her face in pain,

Collapsing in my arms she sighs,

No more "Hello", but now "Goodbye".

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