Always remember i love you (drabble)

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I couldn't do it anymore Dan had been helping me but I couldn't resist the urge anymore the voices were too loud, the thoughts too strong.

So I pulled out the all too familiar blade and dragged it across my skin once again. Tears stream down my face as I think about how disappointed Dan will be but these thoughts are soon replaced with hatred towards myself and my body and I realize that I deserve this. It's all my fault if I just hadn't been a screw up everything would be fine but no I had to go fuck everything up so much that I now find pleasure in cutting my own skin.

Just then Dan burst into the room.

I looked up at him fresh tears forming in my eyes. I looked straight into his eyes expecting to see disappointment but instead met with comfort tinged with sadness

He came running over to me hugging me tight rocking me slowly and playing with my hair as I cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled into him

"Don't be sorry Philly"

"But I couldn't do it, I couldn't stop for you"

"It's ok love you'll get there eventually"

Dan held me till i started to stop sobbing. I lifted my head from his chest

"I love you" I said looking up at him with glassy eyes

"Love you too" Dan said leaning down to kiss me softly on the lips

"Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, twice as beautiful as you had ever imagined and most importantly I love you"

I started tearing up again

"What's wrong sweetie" Dan said stroking his hair comforting him

"How'd I get the best boyfriend in the world, you always know just the right thing to say"

I pecked him on the lips

He smiled at me then his gaze was averted to my wrists

"We better get this cleaned up then"

He said standing up and pulling me up with him

Dan dragged me to the bathroom and then wiped down my arm I looked at the new red lines scattered along my wrist. They looked ugly, out of place. Dan caught me staring and brought my wrist up to his lips and kissed them not missing a single one

"I don't care if you have cuts up your arm your still perfect to me"

And with that Phil stepped forward wrapped his arms around Dans waist and pulled him to him locking they're lips together.

"Love you bear"

"Love you lion"

Always remember i love you (drabble)Where stories live. Discover now