24. "Sentiment."

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I rolled over and went to put my arm around Sherlock when I hit the pillow next to me. I groaned as I stood up and went to grab my clothes out of my suitcase when I noticed it was gone. Everything was gone. I walked into the bathroom to see one of my simple skull covered dresses hanging on the door, a post-it attached to the dress.

"Car is packed up. Change into this after you're ready so we can leave. -SH"

I rolled my eyes and showered, dressed and carried my dirty clothes, folded up, in my arms. I walked out the side door of the Inn and pulled on the handle of the car to see Sherlock left it unlocked. I threw my clothes in the back and walked around the Inn to see Sherlock and John seated at a table outside.

"Good morning," I smiled at them. Sherlock turned to see me in the dress and smiled. I saddled the bench between Sherlock and John, my back to Sherlock. I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder and his arms snake around my waist.

"So they didn't have it put down, then – the dog." Sherlock pointed out. 

"Obviously. Suppose they just couldn't bring themselves to do it." John said. 

"I see," Sherlock said. 

"No, you don't." John smiled.

"No, I don't. Sentiment?" Sherlock asked. 

"Sentiment!" I smirked. I couldn't see Sherlock but I was certain he was rolling his eyes.

"Oh," he said. John and I both smirked at each other.

"Listen: what happened to me in the lab?" John asked. Sherlock reached for a box of jelly packets and I sighed.

"D'you want some jelly with that?" Sherlock asked. 

"I mean, I hadn't been to the Hollow, so how come I heard those things in there? Fear and stimulus, you said." John added. I loved watching him put everything together.

"You must have been dosed with it elsewhere, when you went to the lab, maybe. You saw those pipes – pretty ancient, leaky as a sieve; and they were carrying the gas, so ... Um, grape, was it, or peach...?" Sherlock asked as I snatched the box from him and sat it on the table next to John. 

"Hang on: you thought it was in the sugar," John said. Sherlock just sat there behind me, still holding his arms around me. "You were convinced it was in the sugar," John added. 

"Better get going, actually." Sherlock began as he looked at his watch, flicking the sleeve of his coat back. "There's a train that leaves in half an hour, so if you want..."

"Oh God. It was you. You locked me in that bloody lab." John cut him off. I sat there and cringed. "And you knew!" he added looking at me.

"I had to. It was an experiment." Sherlock sighed. 

"An experiment?!" 

"Shhh." Sherlock hushed looking around at a few people seated at other tables, eating their breakfast. 

"I was terrified, Sherlock. I was scared to death." John said. 

"I thought that the drug was in the sugar, so I put the sugar in your coffee, then I arranged everything with Major Barrymore," Sherlock explained. "It was all totally scientific, laboratory conditions – well, literally. Well, I knew what effect it had had on a superior mind, so I needed to try it on an average one." Sherlock added. John looked up from his plate and I turned to eye Sherlock.

"You know what I mean." He sighed.

"But it wasn't in the sugar." John pointed out. 

"No, well, I wasn't to know you'd already been exposed to the gas." Sherlock pointed out. 

"So you got it wrong," John stated. 

"No," Sherlock added. 

"Mmm. You were wrong. It wasn't in the sugar. You got it wrong." John said and I couldn't help but smirk.

"A bit. It won't happen again." Sherlock said. I laughed a bit and John looked around, still eating. 

"Any long-term effects?"

"None at all. You'll be fine once you've excreted it. We all will." Sherlock said.

"Think I might have taken care of that already," John said and Sherlock laughed as he looked at Gary who was pouring coffee for people at another table. He smiled to us and Sherlock stood up. 

"Where're you going?" John and I both asked. I turned to look at John almost amused at how we both sounded extremely disappointed. 

"Won't be a minute. Gotta see a man about a dog." Sherlock smiled and walked away.


Welp, more to come I guess. :)

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