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You were at the party sat with your bestfriend and BEN drowned playing games. You knew by the way BEN was looking at your friend that they were bound to go out. You didnt mind though. You only liked BEN as a friend. You kept playing and felt a presence behind you but everytime you looked there was no one there then you looked for the last time to see a human sized Sonic looking at the floor laughing crazily. You thought you were imagining things untill he looked up at you with dark eyes with red pupils and blood pouring from them. "You're very good at gaming (Y/N)." He said. That's when you realised it was sonic.exe. you'd played his game once but you didnt get why he knew your name... "Um how did you..."
"Know your name. of course i do. I AM GOD!! Just kidding. Your friend over there told me. I think you're hot." sonic said.
"Um do you wanna play?" you said
"Ohhh i got all 5 fingers," someone started singing
"come on (Y/N) we're going to watch (friends/N) play the knife song." Your friend said. You joined everyone by the coffee table as the person played.

***time gap***
You hid under a cushion. "(Y/N) It's over now. She didn't hurt herself. come on." A sweet voice said. That couldn't be sonic... no hes a jerk it can't be him. You stuck you're head out to see that it was actually sonic. you smiled at him. He wasnt as annoying as you first thought. he was actually kinda cute.
"YOU ALL MUST PLAY!!" Splendy yelled.
"Do you want to play (Y/N)?" asked sonic.
"Sure" you replyed not knowing what you were playing but games were your thing. You secretly hoped it was hide and seek.

**** ANoThEr TiMe GaP****
You picked out a mini figure of sonic and grinned. "Umm theres a little problem with this statue" you said walking over to sonic, "It doesn't have gorgeous red eyes" You smiled at him and took his hand. you got into the closet and you kissed him on the cheek. "You know people have you wrong." You say
"How do you mean?" sonic asked confused.
"I mean people think you're really cocky cos you say you're god at the end of your game but actually you're really sweet." you say smiling at him.
"thanks, and btw you missed." he then lent in and weither he kissed you or you kissed him you loved it anyway... love him.

(A/N: ok it became cute and yh... hope you liked it. next up is lost silver.)

creepypasta 7 minutes in heaven boys and girls.Where stories live. Discover now