Chapter 20: Aftermath

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One of the policewomen walked over to Dennis. "Are you alright, sir?" she asked. "Is there something you need?" "What is he doing here?" Luke whispered to me. "I don't know," I whispered back. "And I am going to find out." I stride two steps toward Dennis until Luke yanked me by the arm.

"What are you doing-" I yelled. Dennis took out his pistol and shot the woman in the stomach. The policewoman let out a shriek of pain and collapsed on the ground.

Dennis then shot the ceiling two times. "Get down!" Luke cried. All of us crouched down on the floor. Bits of debris fell on my t-shirt and held onto the fabric.

Most of us were crying hysterically. "Shut up!" Dennis shouted. "Lower your guns, all of you!" The entire police force dropped their weapons and kicked it to the ground.

Dennis took a deep breath then entered the building.  He walking stick dragged in front of him. "Where is Lewis Porter?" he asked. No one answered.

Dennis shot the ceiling a few more times. "Where is Lewis?" He asked impatiently. After I cleared my throat, I glanced at Lewis. "Why do you need to talk to my dad?" I asked. "He paid all of your debts, using his lovers' money."

Dennis squinted. "So, what do you need him for?" I asked. "I need to find the man, who killed Ellen." Dennis confessed. "That freak doesn't deserve her."

Dennis and Ellen were lovers. "I thought Ellen is love with Dad." Dennis waved his gun at the crowd, wanting to know my location.

"Liar," he rasped "Ellen doesn't love you, I don't think she even knows you at-" "Yes she does," Dennis interrupted softly. "We have met before, in foster care."

Luke spoke then. "I know." he said. "I have read Ellen's hospital records and asked a couple of questions around the street. I even met you, before you lost your eyesight."

"Luke," Dennis began. "Is that you?" "Yes," he nodded. "I know you than that, so please tell us if you have something to do with Ellen's death."

Dennis choked back a sob. "I was going to surprise Ellen that night until I overheard the old people talking to her. They said they knew that Ellen was having an affair with Lewis and they tried to pay her to keep her quiet."

After she took the check, the old people disappeared. As I walked over to her, I wanted to know what was going on and why is she having an affair with Lewis."

"She kept me out of the dark and headed back to the house. On the day of the wedding, I smelled Ellen's perfume in the gazebo and I tried to talk some sense that Lewis doesn't deserve her.

I could tell she was writing something on top of the rung or something. "She told me that it was none of my concern and that I should be going away for good. She reminded me that I was different and a thug, but Ellen said that she will always be my friend.

"I got so angry at Ellen, not knowing about how much I feel about her. So, I yanked the object that Ellen was holding and stabbed her."

Dennis immediately broke down crying. He dropped the gun and curled into a massive ball. The police sensed their chance and arrested him.

While they were walking to the jail cell, a cop said congratulations to us. We both nodded and looked back at Dennis, who was trying so hard not to puke.

The police got up from the floor and resumed what they were doing. Before Luke and I left the station, we told the friendly cop the location of Dennis' bar.

He nodded and wrote the address. Just then, my phone buzzed. I checked it then sighed. It was from my mom. She wanted to talk to me.

But instead, I shut off my phone and stuffed it in my coat pocket. After a long day, we decided to head home. I started the ignition and drove us until we reached to our houses.

Mom was sitting on the porch, practically crying when she saw me. "See you around," Luke beamed. I nodded and watched as he headed home.

"Cole," she said, coming towards me. "Are you alright? I heard the news that there was a shootout in the police station." I nodded very carefully. "I didn't get hurt," I insisted. "The Ellen's killer was Dennis."

"Okay," she said. "But is there anything else you are not telling me?"  "I think Stacy's attacker was Grandma," I answered. My gave me a doubtful look. "Why would your grandmother do this to her?"

"Because like Grandma said," I explained. "She doesn't like Stacy that much." Mom but her lip. "How are you so certain that it was your grandmother?" "Grandma is six feet taller than Grandpa," I said. "Or either she wears high heels, she wears a lot of perfume, and Grandma didn't look me in the eye when I started asking questions."

It took a while for Mom to look at me. "Grandma didn't wear that much perfume at the family dinner." I walked over to Grandma's chair and pulled out her handbag.

Before Mom could gasp, I took out a half empty bottle of Chanel No. 5. "That doesn't mean anything," Mom reassured. "Most women use perfume daily, but why does Grandma put it on frequently?"

Mom sat on the chair and looked at me. "I can't believe your own grandparents would do this," she sighed. "I can't believe it either," I admitted. "But at least they didn't kill Ellen, especially Dad for that matter."

Mom brushed away her blond curls. "Is the case over with?" she asked hopefully. I nodded very eagerly. "Honey," Mom began. "As much as I am proud of you for helping the cops, you are grounded until I can see some improvement in you."

"Like what?" I asked. "Doing your homework is one thing," Mom said. "I already did it, Mom." I sighed. "I even put in my backpack."

I hurried to my backpack and showed her my completed homework. Mom's eyes were the size of golf balls. "What about tests and quizzes?" Mom asked. "All straight As," I answered.

"Have you made any other new friends?" Mom asked. I changed the subject. "Mom," I said. "I don't think you need Dr. Phil to change me. I think only you should."

Mom didn't respond to my statement right away. "I know Cole," Mom sighed. "I just need you to be safe and tell me everything from now on."

"Including you?" I asked. Mom looked at me then bit her lip. "Yes," she said finally. "I think so too. "Am I still grounded?" I asked hopefully. "No," she answered. "I will let it slide for now."

"Goodnight Mom," I answered, kissing her on the forhead. Mom nodded then gave me a tight hug. "Now, get to bed." I smiled and hurried upstairs.

After I took a long hot shower, I put on my blue silky pajamas and brushed my teeth. I brushed away my dark brown curls and headed off to bed.

The next Sunday morning, I covered Luke's eyes with a blindfold as we headed to a building. "Are we there yet?" Luke asked for the umpteenth time. "Not yet," I groaned.

"Exactly, why are you doing this?" Luke asked. "It is a surprise." I took him by the hand and patiently took careful steps. "Cole," Luke groaned. "Where are you taking me? I haven't even brushed my teeth.

We stopped for a moment. "Are we there yet?" Luke asked. I turned my head to the ice cream parlor. "No," I groaned, reaching for my pocket. I took out some breathspray and applied it to his mouth.

He tasted it. "Minty," he complimented. We resumed back on the trail. "Are you getting me a car?" Luke asked hopefully. "No," I answered. "A Lamborghini?" Luke guessed. "No," I repeated. "A limo?" Luke guessed. "Dude," I groaned. "I'm not Vin Diesel."

Luke pouted. When we were almost in the ice cream parlor, I took off his blindfold. "Whoa," Luke said. "Surprise," I beamed. Smiling, we stepped inside the parlor and ordered ice cream.

I received the birthday cake while Luke got Mint Chocolate Chip. We ate until we couldn't eat another bite. After we paid for the ice cream, Luke blushed. "Thanks for the ice cream," he replied.

"That's what friends do," I beamed. I slung my arm around his shoulder and walked home.

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