Chapter 4

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*Warren POV*

I rested my head against the back of the headrest, right hand on the wheel. Cruising down abandoned roads made my heart slightly sad, missing the man I loved. I left before I could say goodbye; when your country needs you, you answer the call. Being in the armed forces is really what I have to thank for being able to survive this long. I focused my eyes on the zombies 10k was plucking off from the back of the truck. I looked in the rearview mirror at Willow, who was sleeping. My eyes then caught Murphy's.

"Can we please just open the back hatch and let Sleeping Bitchy roll out of my life?" He asked, making everyone in the cabin roll their eyes.

"I'll save that girl before I'll save your sorry ass," laughed Doc, getting nods and laughs from everyone in the truck.

I saw something move behind the truck on the highway.

"I think we have company," I rolled my eyes. Can some people not mind their own damn business and let other people live?

I swerved the car off on a side road, hoping that whatever was behind us would go past. I should've warned 10k and the others, because he almost fell out of the truck, and Addy, Mack, Cassandra and Willow flew from one side of the bed to the other. I gritted my teeth, feeling responsible for the minor inconvenience. Once I was far enough away from the main road, I shut off the truck engine, and motioned for everyone to duck below eye level. I saw Willow pull an arrow from her bag, and prep her string for firing. She looked to the other humans in the truck bed for support, and they slowly drew their weapons. I heard 4 motor bikes roll past and sighed.

"Coast looks clear," I shouted after about fifteen seconds of silence, giving the riders time to pass us.

Everyone sat up. Willow steadied her arm on the tailgate, and crashed back into the bed when I heard the motors roar up again, bikers walking their bikes backwards from the treeline, and heading down our way. I cursed at myself, knowing this was just another altercation that could've been avoided if I had some patience.

I rolled down my window slightly when the 4 men rolled along side the truck. I smiled politely, hoping my charm would get them to leave, instead of us having to take them out.

"What can I do for you?"

*Willow POV*

My heart sunk. Motor bikes were never good signs to me. I felt the weight on my chest expand to my whole body. As quietly and unnoticeably as possible, I shimmied damp clothes onto my cold skin, and put a hand over my heart, saying a prayer. Mom and Dad wouldn't let something bad happen.

"What can I do for you?" Warren asked, voice higher than usual.

My eyes opened slightly, to see the people in the truck bed looking at me. I was shaking. Worried looks plagued their faces, eyes catching mine. My eyes showed weakness, and weakness gets people killed.

"We're lookin' for a few run-aways. One from about a year ago, 'nd a two others from a week ago. The latter two we assume are dead, 'cause they were pretty but not very bright. The first one was clever though. Always was. A real looker too, you'd know 'er if you saw 'er. Real pretty blue eyes, brown hair. Short 'n pretty like a flower, but feisty. It's been a while so I don't really know what she'd look like now, but 'er group is really worried 'bout 'er," the man lied.

I didn't have to see his face to know it. Confused eyebrows and glances fell my way. Warren looked nonchalantly in the rearview mirror, appearing to look contemplative, but looking into my eyes for confirmation of what the man had spoken. My eyes grew wider than the Grand Canyon. My heart shook faster and faster in my ribcage. I breathing resembled that of a overheating dog. I prayed these people wouldn't give me to the men. I closed my eyes and bit my tongue to reduce my struggling. I shook my head, this couldn't be real.

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