Movie part 1

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After Ben had landed he saw what he suspects is Los Angles California. "L.A. Huh? Well might as well find a new home in this new world" he said.

However, before he did walk around he saw a red blip which electrified him. He saw that it was the Nemetrix. The Omnitrix then flashed and he turned into a new creature.

Ben looked at himself, baffled by his new transformation. "Huh I'm a predator and I'm not insane. Nice a new transformation and double the arsenal" he said. "I'll call this guy Predator" he said.

In the transformation Ben's clothes were replaced with a jumpsuit similar to Omni's except the legs were replaced with shorts and was Ruby red. The new creature was similar to said hybrid alien as well except it had red skin and dark red hair. It's eyes were ruby red and it had sharp fangs. It's hair ran down its back taking the shape of dorsal fins. In addition multiple Nemetrix symbols appeared around the new alien's body and the Omnitrix's symbol was replaced by the Nemetrix's. Ben's hands then turned into four fingered claws and his legs looked similar to a dinosaurs'. When the transformation was complete the new alien roared and got down on all fours.

 When the transformation was complete the new alien roared and got down on all fours

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He walked around his surroundings now in human form. Little to say the L.A. In this world was quite eccentric. "Not alien like on my earth but it's got a few bizarre things" he commented when he saw a person talking to her dogs on a phones.

He walked into a Gym thinking a good work out would be good after his battle. "Hi there a just looking to relax a little had a rough day" he greeted. A dark skinned black haired girl then walked in. "Hi I'm new in town, I was wondering if your Gym offered Pilates classes?" She asked

"Relax!? Pilaties!? Buddy this gym offer the latests in cutting edge training regimen" the Gym proprietor said

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"Relax!? Pilaties!? Buddy this gym offer the latests in cutting edge training regimen" the Gym proprietor said. "We got submersible hydrocycling" he said gesturing to a man on a cycling machine under water. Then trying to peddle faster in order to avoid being bit by a piranha.

"Zero grav power lifting" he added gesturing to a man trying to lift a barbel in a wind tunnel.

"Uh never mind" they said walking out. "This town is tough" Ben said, "tell me about it they really take their work out seriously around here". The girl said. Ben then extended his hand to shake, "uh Ben" he said. "Alex" she said, "see you around" Ben said as he ran off.

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