Movie part 2

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Ben is currently looking around Beverly Hills. "Become an international spy to fight evil" he said to himself. "Well, if I am going to be a spy, I guess I'll be undercover, and no one would know who I am" he said.

At that moment he got a call from Clover, "uh hello?" He said. "Sam, Ben its Clover, your never gonna guess what happened" she said. "Well whatever it is it can't be worse then getting attacked by a computer virus" she shot back.

"Oh yeah try a round of WOOHP tumble weed wrestling" Alex said. "Pull on the tendril closest to the center the rest will all stand straight" Ben said over the phone. "Hey it worked, wait how did you know to do that?" Alex asked. "I've been the desert before, like a tumble weed never got me either" he answered.

"What happened to you?" All three asked him. "Well nothing actually, WOOHP hasn't got me ye..." his sentence was cut off when he noticed a lot of girls staring at him. With stars in their eyes, "uh hi can I help you?" He asked nervously. Then he spotted his face on the front of a magazine with a big W on it.

"Hi there handsome, mind if we get a picture?""or an autograph?""how about a date?" He girls then chased him. He managed to outrun them only to bump into Alex. "Ouch hey Ben" she said dizzily. "Now they done it they turned me into a celebrity again" Ben cried. "I don't want to be torn apart by super fans!!", "okay that's it! It's time to call that jerk Jerry a call and give him a piece of our minds" Clover said.

Said baldy's voice was on the phone, "Hello Clover, so lovely to hear from you" he said. "Hey mister" Alex yelled, "save it for some one who's buying". Sam then spoke up, "yeah we know what you and your sneaky organization are up to, your making our lives miserable so we'll be spies for you" she said.

"And get my face off your magazine!" Ben said. "Well I have no idea what your talking about, and Ben that wasn't us, apparently the world finds you to. Be one of the top most handsomest men" Jerry said.

Ben then down casted, "well then do something about it, I don't want to be a celebrity again" he said.  Jerry ignored his request, "Any way its against WOOHP policy to interfere with civilians' lives" he said.

"Regardless, I'd be happy to help you out of your current situations provided you help me as well" he added. "I can't believe it, we're being blackmailed by a bald geaser" Clover complained. "That's balding" Jerry corrected, "I wouldn't be surprised, the oldest are the most cunning" Ben said.

"And trust me, you won't regret your decision" Jerry said. After a little while both Alex and Ben were sucked into a vacuum of a WOOHP jet. After they entered Jerry spoke up, "right now it's time for your official WOOHP training".

"This is so bogus" Clover complained again, "you just busted my eardrum" Ben said. "Exactly what kind of training are we talking about?" Sam asked. "For the next 48 hours you will be instructed in extreme martial arts" Jerry said as he did a king fu kick.

"High tech weapon and equipment use" he added riding a random jet pack. "And super secret surveillance techniques", the British baldy was inside a box.

"In short, it'll challenging, grooling and extremely demanding". Ben then smiled, "that's just how I like it" he said. "So what's the upside?" Alex asked, "well we do get to see Tad in a flight suit" Clover squealed.

"Speaking of suits" Jerry said as he pressed a button on a remote that changes the girl's and Ben's attire. "Aaahh!?""Jerry!""I wonder if these'll go to my transformations?". Their clothes were replaced with white tank tops and black combat pants.

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