Sophomore year was probably the most eventful year by far. It started out in El Paso. The freshman academy that I used to go to has now turned into its very own high school. It is now called Pebble Hills High School and it is for freshman and sophomores ( for now but each year a grade is added). My summer had been spent with my 3 amigos- Chass, Tori,and Tabi- and obsessing over someone who didn't care about me. I was so ready to start the year. I was ready for cheer and football season.
On the first day of school I had a few familiar faces in each classes and I loved my teaches. There was one face in particular that stood out to me. I knew who he was, my friend's boyfriend, but we had never really talked before. He happened to be in 4 of my classes, one of which he sat right next to me. We were bound to meet. After about a week or two we finally have a conversation about a video I posted on Instagram. That was the moment I met one of my best friends- other than Calvin, but you don't know him yet. His name was Lewis. After that day, our friendship only grew. Only a few weeks later, he already meant so much to me and I developed a little crush on him. He was friends with Roberto too so he helped me out with him. It was nice having him in my life, but of course he still had a girlfriend so nothing ever happened with us.
I met a few more people too, but none that really impacted me like Lewis. He was exactly like me, but a guy. He was perfect. But not mine. That was fine though, because over the summer I found out I was moving to Colorado Springs later in 2015. December actually, so I only had a few months with him. And they turned out to be some of the greatest months. Not only because of him, but just everything was going great. I had great friends, and I was having a great season in cheer. I eventually started talking to this guy that I had always thought was cute. He was such a sweetheart, but we both knew it wasn't going to last. The faster time went by, the sadder I got. Sometimes it would just hit me out of no where and I would break down. But I had my friends to help me through everything, especially Lewis and Calvin.
High School
RandomHannah is just a teenager trying to make it through life like everyone else.