"Honey, get up its time for school" my mom said to me. My first day at this new school and I was nervous and I didn't think I was going to make it this far. While riding to school, I said " I'm so freakin nervous" so my mom says " girl, it's not that serious" so of course that ruined my mood.
We took the elevator upstairs to the library and that's when I saw my best friend Jazmine and my mood changed back to happy Bc I haven't seen her since we graduated from middle school. So we sit down and talk about what happen over the summer... for me everything was alright until my cousin ( a Jehovah's Witness) decided to touch me and blackmailing with candy ( my favorite candy at that), and they were Sour patches, I was so scared because I didn't know what to do with what has happen to me.
So see my best friend made me feel so much better. After our talk I realize we didn't have classes like together which sucks but I knew we would have lunch together which was awesome. Finally my first day was successful but I still have that feeling in my guts and I was afraid to tell my parents about what happen but at the same time I know I have to tell them soon.