Day 6 - Jan 18, 2017

25 1 0

Hey guys....sorry I'm uploading so late...It's just that I had a tough day today. I got in trouble by my teacher, then got into a fight with my friend that I have been with since probably my first birthday that I had actual friends with, and then sleep....I haven't been getting sleep that much so I'm starting to pass out in class when I find an opportunity to and it's just making my life worse right now....I still haven't done my homework and right now (where I live) it's 11:30 pm. Yesterday I said I would upload the third chapter of SCO....but that didn't happen and I'm really sorry....For those who understand I thank you but for the ones that don't...I would have felt the same way if a writer did that....So I completely understand why you would be angry and I deserve to be mad at, made fun of, and teased at this moment....maybe even longer....So, thank you for reading and I will upload again tomorrow if I can....Bye.

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