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//Ava's pov\\
Andy and I woke up at 3 this after noon but just stayed in each others arms and comfort, we just never know what's next, and I really don't want to be taken away and be forced To not show my, dare I say love, for andy... We were strangers not long ago and now here we are...laying in bed together afraid to leave and be separated.
//Andy's pov\\
She was deep in thought and I was too busy eyeing her, I never took time to noticed her genuine look now. She looks skinnier but not too skinny, amy starves her self to get the perfect body... Its sickening and I hope Ava didn't catch on to that habit, that's the last thing I Want. I pulled out a bag of purple haze and grabbed my grinder and grinded it while she starred off into her own personal Ora, I took a little bit of the grounds and put them in the black, green, and blue swirled bowl. I lit up and took a big hit. I exhaled and looks at ava, still focused, I took another hit and this time she turned her attention to me. "Can I hit?" I paced her the bowl and she lit it in a circular motion, just like a professional. I smiled as I watched her milk it and take it like a champ, I laughed and continued till I was faded, we both looked each other in our red eyes and laughed, laughed and laughed about nothing for hours even when we weren't high. After two hours of laughing we heard a knock, it startled Ava and I but Ava whimpered and started tearing up, she laced her fingers with mine and hid her head in the crook of my neck. "Andrew. Open up." Amy. "Why." I shouted back. "Because you have Ava!" My eyes trailed down to Ava's shaking body and back up to the door. "maybe I do. Maybe I don't." I shook it off like it was nothing then continued "why are you doing this to her?" It was quite for a while. " because I love you, andy, a-and i have for the longest time, but you fell for her...and it hurt me, so I changed her and when you still showed effection I took matters to a whole nother level...and you still save her and love her and i-i-i-" I cut her off before it got more awkward. "Look, amy, maybe if you were less crazy I could've learned to like you but that's not the case, please leave our relationship alone...and if it doesn't work out ill think about considering an us..." I don't know what I just agreed to but I love Ava and ill risk it all for my girl

Listening to: the outsider//black veil brides(new song😍)
Hey guys been forever and im so sorry about all this wattpad hates me, school hates me, so much fucking stress but I updated both my books so go ahead and check out my other book if you are into sloppy, thought you thought out, new idea every second kind of book😂 its a mess but it was my first fan fic and I got bored with the concept so... Oops lol, btw HIGHLY recommend the new song from bvb hella dope man:))^^

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