Chapter One: New Found Fame

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Life for me has always been average. Nothing more, nothing less. No super hot boyfriend, no super cool talent and no super cool story to tell. On top of all of this, I've never been much of a people person. I mean, of course I have friends's kinda hard to explain. To keep it short, I just never really imagined myself being some star who gets recognized at Target or anywhere else for that matter. That's what I've become though.

In a matter of 4 months my YouTube channel, the very channel that I posted a video called "Watch me eat my weight in cheese" on, grew from 40 subscribers to 700,000 subscribers. Just like that, I was "famous".....ME of literally all happened to me. And to make things even crazier, I have a meeting with the CEO of MagCon like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. It's been two days since the phone call with him and it still hasn't sunk in. He hasn't told me exactly what we're meeting for. Or maybe he did and I was just too hung up on his use of the phrase "New Found Fame". He had said it about three times and each time I heard it, I stiffened up a little. It's weird hearing that being used to describe me. Idk this is all just so surreal.

I finish washing all of the soapy bubbles off of my now clean skin and turn the steamy water off. I step out of the shower and dry myself before throwing on the clothes I have sitting on the counter and starting on my hair and makeup. I'm going for a sorta simple look. Band tee, ripped jeans and checkerboard slip-on vans. Foundation, winged eyeliner, mascara and bare lips. I figure it will give off a little of my personality but I'm hoping Bart doesn't see me as some delinquent, angsty teenybopper.

"Y/n your uber is here" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. She's always been so supportive of my career and always pushes me to do things I'm not so comfortable with, like this meeting in particular. I grab my phone and give myself one last once over in the mirror before heading outside to the car waiting for me.

If nerves could kill, I'd be long gone by now. This has to be the longest car ride in the history of long for car rides, I mean I feel like I've been sitting here for daysssss. We finally pull up outside of the Ritz Carlton. I check the address from the email Bart sent and yep, this is the place. I take a deep breath before thanking the nice man in the drivers seat and making my way out. I can't help but stand outside and just stare in awe at this place. I feel myself letting out a big cloud of air and i mentally ask myself if i had been subconsciously holding that since I got out of the car. I giggle to myself at the thought and excitedly walk inside the beautiful hotel.
GAWD is this even real?!! There are good accents on the lobby chairs and fancy painting hung up on the wall. Rich looking men and women standing around talking (probably about how much money they made just by blinking today).

I all but skip to the front desk, a surge of anxiousness rushing through me. Don't know where it came from but I'd rather be overly excited than completely doubtful of myself and nervous like I was not even 3 minutes ago.
"Hi! Uh.. my name is Y/n" I muttered.
"Hello, are you checking in or..?" She asked, waiting for me to explain why I'm standing here smiling like an idiot.

"Oh no im uh here for l-like an interview thing? Bart Bordelon?" For some reason I'm stuttering. Definitely the nerves. "Ah yes! He left a note for you up here" she said with a smile. "Just make a right down this hallway here and you'll see the conference room. Big double doors you can't miss it!" She directs me towards a long hallway. I take another deep breath and go on my merry way!

She was right when she said you couldn't miss it. Not only were the double doors huge like she mentioned, but you could hear loud laughter and conversations going on from the hallway. I knock a couple answer. I doubt they could even hear me. "Here goes nothin" I sigh before slowly pushing the door open. My heart skips a beat as soon as my mind registers what I see. I see Bart...but I also see Cameron Dallas and Taylor Caniff. All three of them are sitting at the large conference table along with a short haired blond woman with a stack of papers. Cameron's voice halts in the middle of his sentence when he notices me standing in the door, Taylors back is facing me so it took a second for him to realize why Cameron stopped talking (haha).

"Y/n! How are you?" Bart happily asks as he walks over to greet me. "I'm good! You?" I reply while giving him a friendly hug. "Never better. Please, take a seat" he pulls out one of the black chairs for me and scoots it closer to the table after I sit down.
"Okay so, Y/n. I asked you to come here because as we all know, you've proved  to be very successful on your social media platform" I swallow hard after hearing him say that. It's still so weird to think that this is my life now. Never settles well with me. I nod though, letting him know that I'm listening and somewhat agreeing.
"I don't know if you know about magcon or not but we basically-" he starts but I cut him off unintentionally "I know all about it" I giggle. I see Cameron chuckle with me and we make eye contact for a second before I tear my eyes away.

Damn nerves.

"Well ok then, sassy." Bart jokes. "Let's cut to the chase. We want you on tour" he blurts out and if you thought I was freaking out before. Boy. This was another fucking level. I choked on the air I was breathing. Like who the fuck does that??

"Y-you want me on tour? with you guys?" I ask just to be sure I'm hearing correctly.

"Yep. We've never had a girl permanently on the tour and we think you'd be the perfect fit." He smiles. I'm at a loss for words so all I can do is nod my head.

"You down?" Cameron questions and leans forward a little on the table. He's directly across from me so this level of closeness is as close as he can get to me but that doesn't stop me from getting a nice wiff of his cologne. It's musky and ver masculine. Very sexy.

"Ya I'm down" I say as I nod again. I can feel my grin stretching from ear to ear like on some The Grinch type of shit. Bart reaches his arms out for another hug and I stand up to accept it. Cameron and Taylor , who are still sitting down, shake my hand. Next thing I know, we're on FaceTime with my mom going over the documents that the short haired lady brought. After hearing what everything said, she gave me the ok to sign it.

I'm officially on the magcon tour???

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