Chapter two: This is home now

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2 months later

"Ok I'm literally walking out right now, Cam" I groan before hanging up the phone. Geez. I know they're waiting for me but does he really have to call me every two minutes?? I grab my luggage and drag them out of the room to the best of my ability.

Ever since that meeting two months ago, life has been so hectic. We've had to travel all around the fucking country doing promo for the tour. We've done meet ups, we've done photo shoots and we've done fittings. To say I'm exhausted is an understatement and I still don't understand why they couldn't just grab a stupid camera and take pictures of us why did we have to fly all the way to New York for that? Why?

Right now, we're leaving this beautiful hotel in the heart of Hollywood and hopping on the tour bus. It officially starts tonight. First stop on the tour is in San Francisco!!! There's a security guard waiting outside of my room and he politely takes my bags from me. He tells me that the boys made him promise to have me out there as quick as he can. I roll my eyes. This is gonna be a long tour considering I'm the only therefore I'm the only one who understands how crucial it is for me have a substantial amount of time to get ready. It's not all hair gel and aftershave for me.

"There she is , for fucks sake." I hear Tay groan as I finally make it out of the elevator. I shoot him an evil glare." Are you guys coming or what? We don't have all day" I joke as I sassily put my shades on and strut passed him the rest of the boys. By the "rest of the boys" I mean Bart, Nash, Hayes, and of course Cameron who's currently mocking me by putting his hand on his hip and pretending to flip his hair.

*on the bus*

I choose my bunk first bc ya know.... Lady's first. I made sure to pick one that was close to the bathroom just because I know that we'll be traveling for a couple of weeks and if your girl gets her period, she's gonna need the bathroom more than anyone else. Hayes picks the bunk on top of mine and Cameron picks the one right across from mine. He plops down on his bed and looks up at me. "Oh god! Guys I'm right across from Princess Y/n! How I'll I survive?" He shouts, causing everyone to laugh, myself included. I throw one of my pillows at him. "Shut up, jerk"

I take my shoes off and set them under my bunk before closing my curtain and putting my head phones on.
It's gonna be a good two hour drive and after 10 minutes, I was already starting to feel claustrophobic. I opened my curtain and decided to go annoy the boys. I see Nash sitting in the couch area eating cheetos and talking to Bart. I pop a squat next to them. "Hi y/n" Nash says with a big, kiddish smile. I laugh "Hi Nashie". He loves when I call him that, I can tell. "Y/n are you good with the whole meet and greet thing? Just making sure." Bart asks. "Yeah! I'm cool with it. Excited even!" I assure him. Suddenly Hayes comes out from the back and announces that Aaron won't be able to make it there on time and that he'd be at least 30 minutes late.
Oh well, the show must go on.

We spend about an hour laughing and playing a a couple rounds of 2k17 on the Xbox. It doesn't take long for me to notice that Cameron hasn't come out of his bunk once. "Is he ok?" Taylor mouths to me while pointing toward his bunk. I shrug before getting up from the couch and making my way over there. His curtain is half closed so I can see his legs.

Should I open it or just walk away? He could be sleeping.

Fuck it.

I rip the curtain open "Get up Cameron-...Cammy what's wrong?" He's crying. I can tell by how puffy his eyes are and how his mouth hangs slightly open. He wipes his face and clears his throat. "Nothing I'm okay. And shhh y/n I don't want them making a big deal about it" he whispers. He pays a spot on the bed next to him. I sit .

"I always get a little stressed before tour. Don't worry about me. I promise this isn't the last time you'll see me cry I'm an emotional person" he chuckles. I can still feel myself looking at him with worried eyes. He pulls me in for a hug. "Stop it, girl! Stop lookin at me like that" He nudges me. "I'm ok I swear" he holds out his pinky and I complete the promise. I nod softly and smile.
He wipes his face with one hand and takes a deep breath. "I heard about Aaron" he mumbled. I stayed quiet. I'm too distracted by the fact that he's still holding me. "Y/n..." he starts

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